Family History Research in Scotland
Some Records of LOCKIE from Selkirk and surrounds (1596-1917)

Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie and others © 1989 and onwards.
Other Forenames:
Adam to James
Adam to James
Please see About this Information for what this collection contains.

Forenames Jane to Margaret

Other Forenames:
Martha to Wilhelmina
Martha to Wilhelmina

# Surname / Forenames Event / Date Related To / Remarks Parish / Source
577LOCKIE, JeaneC12 Sep 1632James LOCKIE/Anna MatthisoneEdinburghIG/97
578LOCKIE, JeanM04 Oct 1633Andrew ARTHUREdinburghIG/93
579LOCKIE, JeanM19 Dec 1639John MILLEREdinburghIG/93
580LOCKIE, JoanB   Abt 1670William Davidson/DunsIG/97
581LOCKIE, JeanC22 Oct 1696John LOCKIE/Isobel AitchesonSt CuthbertsIG/93
582LOCKIE, JoanM   Abt 1697William DAVIDSONDunsIG/97
583LOCKIE, JeanM29 Dec 1703James BOAKBathgateIG/93
584LOCKIE, JeanC20 Nov 1708Andrew LOCKIE/Margaret LockieMakerstonIG/97
585LOCKIE, JeanM29 Aug 1717Arthure BOYDSmailholmIG/93
586LOCKIE, JoanC28 Dec 1718Andrew LOCKIE/Margaret WhiteInvereskIG/93
587LOKIE, JeanC17 Nov 1729Thomas LOKIE/JedburghIG/97
588LOCKIE, JeanC24 Sep 1732William LOCKIE/Marion DicksonMertounIG/93
589LOCKIE, JeanM30 Dec 1737Charles ORMISTOWN; p.232: both in this parishMelroseTR/VD
590LOCKIE, JeanM30 Dec 1737Charles ORMISTOWNMelroseIG/93
591LOCKIE, JeanM07 Nov 1740John TURNBALLMertounIG/93
592LOCKIE, JeanB   Abt 1745James Christie/SpittalfieldIG/93
593LOCKIE, JeanM13 Jul 1755William MARIOTTEKelsoIG/93
594LOCKIE, JaneB29 Mar 1759John LOCKIE/Isabel HamiltonKelsoIG/97
595LOKIE, JaneC08 Apr 1759John LOKIE/Isobel HamiltonKelsoIG/97
596LOCKIE, JeanM   Abt 1766James CHRISTIESpittalfieldIG/97
597LOCKIE, JeanB07 Sep 1766John LOCKIE/Jean BruceKelsoIG/97
598LOCKIE, JeanC16 Sep 1766John LOCKIE/Jean BrewisKelsoIG/97
599LOCHIE, JeanC05 Mar 1769John LOCHIE/HuttonIG/97
600LOCKIE, JeanM29 Aug 1769Ronald CAMERONMertounIG/93
601LOCKIE, JeanB04 Feb 1776Andrew LOCKIE/Elizabeth BruceKelsoIG/97
602LOCKIE, JeanC23 Mar 1777David LOCKIE/EarlstonIG/97
603LOCKIE, JeanM06 Apr 1782Gavin FRAINSt CuthbertsIG/93
604LOCKIE, JeanB   Abt 1793James Robertson/MelroseIG/97
605LOCKIE, JeanM28 Jun 1793Andrew OLIVERMertounIG/93
606LOCKIE, JaneC18 Mar 1797John LOCKIE/Mary DixonHownamIG/97
607LOCKIE, JuneB30 Mar 1801Robert LOCKIE/Elizabeth WilsonKelsoIG/97
608LOCKIE, JaneC20 Aug 1801Andrew LOCKIE/GordonIG/97
609LOCKY, JaneC29 Aug 1802William LOCKY/Margaret Cavers; Mason at Caivers Greenbank HaughRobertonIG
610LOCKY, JaneC29 Aug 1802William LOCKY/Margaret CaversRobertonIG/97
611LOCKIE, JeanM   Abt 1805John THOMPSONKelsoIG/93
612LOCKIE, JeanB15 Oct 1808William LOCKIE/Isabel AndisonWiltonIG/97
613LOCKIE, JaneC08 Feb 1810John LOCKIE/Margaret WatherstonHuttonIG/97
614LOCKIE, JeanM20 Jun 1813George CLEZIEEdromIG/93
615LOCKIE, JeanC27 Jun 1813John LOCKIE/Janet RaeSt CuthbertsIG/97
616LOCKIE, JeanM18 Apr 1814James ROBERTSONMelroseIG/97
617LOCKIE, JeanM18 Apr 1814James ROBISON; p.447MelroseTR/VD
618LOCKIE, JeanM18 Apr 1814James ROBISONMelroseIG/93
619LOCKIE, JeanM03 Jun 1814Charles SCOTT; Tailor in JedburghSelkirkIG
620LOCKIE, JeanM03 Jun 1814Charles SCOTTSelkirkIG/93
621LOCKIE, JaneM22 Mar 1817William GOULDINGEdinburghIG/93
622LOCKIE, JeanM01 Jun 1821Alexander DOUGLASEcclesIG/93
623LOCKIE, JeanB11 Apr 1822Alexander LOCKIE/Margaret MeinziesChannelkirkIG/97
624LOCKIE, JeanM10 Jun 1825Robert MIDDLEMASGordonIG/93
625LOCKIE, JaneM29 May 1829James ROBERTSONKelsoIG/93
626LOCKIE, JeanM23 May 1832Colville BROWNHuttonIG/93
627LOCKIE, JaneM19 Nov 1843John DICKSONColdinghamIG/93
628LOCKIE, JaneM26 Nov 1843John DICKSONColdinghamIG/93
629LOCKIE, JaneM04 Sep 1846James TURNBULL; of MelroseSelkirkIG
630LOCKIE, JaneM04 Sep 1846James TURNBULLSelkirkIG/93
631LOCKIE, JaneM04 Sep 1846James TURNBULLMelroseIG/93
632LOCKIE, JaneM26 Feb 1849James MENZIESMelroseIG/93
633LOCKIE, JaneM07 Jul 1863James WILSONEdinburghIG/93
634LOCKIE, JaneB19 Jan 1870Robert LOCKIE/Isabella InglesHuttonIG/93
635LOCKIE, Jane AnnC19 Jan 1854Walter LOCKIE/Elizabeth RichardsonEcclesIG/93
636LOCKIE, Jane AnneB25 Dec 1873/Sidney_ LOCKIECrichtonIG/93
637LOCKIE, JonatC14 Mar 1595/6Dauid LOCKIE/Alesone ThomesoneEdinburghIG/97
638LOCKIE, JanetM27 Apr 1597William LAWSONEdinburghIG/93
639LOCKIE, JanetB   Abt 1614Thomas HunterColintonIG/93
640LOKIE, JonetC29 Jun 1628Johne LOKIE/Margrat BurneKelsoIG/97
641LOCKIE, JanetM24 Feb 1635/6Thomas HUNTERColintonIG/97
642LOCKIE, JonetC23 Jan 1642/3Andrew LOCKIE/Margaret ClerksoneEdinburghIG/97
643LOCKIE, JonetC24 Oct 1652John LOCKIE/LivingstonIG/97
644LOCHIE, JonetM14 Aug 1653James BROUNCanongateIG/93
645LOCKIE, JanetC05 Dec 1654Robert LOCKIE/Margaret CarmichelCanongateIG/93
646LOCKIE, JanetC01 Jan 1660/1David LOCKIE/Jean SymsonEdinburghIG/93
647LOCKIE, JannettM09 Jan 1679/80John WATTBathgateIG/93
648LOCKIE, JannetC05 Nov 1691Thomas LOCKIE/Mary TodsSt CuthbertsIG/93
649LOCKIE, JenotM05 Nov 1701William TURNBULLRoxburghIG/93
650LOOKY, JanetM14 Jun 1706John WALKERAshkirkIG/93
651LOCKY, JanetM21 Jun 1706John WALKERAshkirkIG/93
652LOCKIE, JanetC26 Jan 1707/8William LOCKIE/Issobell ThomsonMaxtonIG/97
653LOCKY, JenetC07 Nov 1708Alexander LOCKY/EarlstonIG/97
654LOCKIE, JannetC05 Sep 1725John LOCKIE/Margrat RiddellMakerstonIG/97
655LOCKIE, JanetM16 Jun 1726James HAIGLauderIG/93
656LOCKIE, JanetC30 Jul 1727James LOCKIE/Agnes MathuInvereskIG/93
657LOCKIE, JanetM17 May 1733Alexander NIMMOWhitburnIG/93
658LOCKIE, JanetC18 Feb 1733/4Thomas LOCKIE/JedburghIG/97
659LOCKIE, JanetM16 Dec 1735William LOCKIEJedburghIG/93
660LOCKIE, JanetM16 Dec 1735William LOCKIEJedburghIG/93
661LOCKIE, JanetC26 Sep 1742Robert LOCKIE/Jean DrummondInvereskIG/93
662LOCKIE, JanetM16 Dec 1742Walter RUTHERFOORDLegerwoodIG/93
663LOCKIE, JenetC08 Aug 1746Thomas LOCKIE/BedruleIG/97
664LOCKIE, JenetM19 Jun 1753John THOMSONMaxtonIG/93
665LOCKY, JanatC12 Aug 1753William LOCKY/Bessy ElliotJedburgh, CongIG/97
666LOKIE, JanetC01 Dec 1754John LOKIE/Violet LaidleyAshkirkIG/97
667LOCKIE, JanetM18 Dec 1755David RICHARDSONSmailholmIG/93
668LOCKIE, JanetM07 Apr 1759James LINDESAYEckfordIG/93
669LOCKIE, JanetM04 May 1759James LINDSIEMertounIG/93
670LINDSAY/LOCKIE, Janet (p.285)C20 Sep 1761d. James LINDSAY/Janet LOCKIE; in GattonsideMelroseTR/VD
671LOCKY, JanetC01 Jul 1764John LOCKY/HuttonIG/97
672LOCKIE, Janet (in Mertown)M13 Apr 1771Henry COCHRAN; p.431MelroseTR/VD
673LOKIE, JanetM13 Apr 1771Henry COCHRANMelroseIG/93
674LOCKIE, JanetM29 Apr 1771Henry COCHRANMertounIG/93
675LOCKIE, JannetC02 Feb 1772William LOCKIE/Elisabeth DicksonEdnamIG/97
676LOCKIE, JanetM03 Dec 1778Andrew HAILSTONSChirnsideIG/93
677LOCKIE, JanetM04 Dec 1778Andrew HAILLSTONESHuttonIG/93
678LOCKIE, JanetC18 Jan 1780John LOCKIE/Jean BeattieKelsoIG/97
679LOCKY, JanetC25 Mar 1781Alexander LOCKY/HuttonIG/97
680BRYDEN/LOCKIE [LOCKIE], Janet (p.322)C25 Mar 1787d. Adam BRYDEN/Margaret LOCKIE; in NewtownMelroseTR/VD
681LOCKIE, Janet (in Galashiels)M28 Nov 1789Andrew MORTON; p.438MelroseTR/VD
682LOCKIE, JanetM28 Nov 1789Andrew MORTONMelroseIG/93
683LOCKIE, JanetM28 Nov 1789Andrew MERTONMelroseIG/93
684LOCKIE, JanetC12 Jan 1797Thomas LOCKIE/Betty HartAshkirkIG/97
685LOCKIE, JanetB19 Aug 1797John LOCKIE/Mary MillarBathgateIG/97
686LOCKIE, JanetB19 Aug 1797John LOCKIE/Mary MillarBathgateIG/97
687LOCKY, JanetC30 Sep 1798William LOCKY/Margaret Cavers; Mason at Caivers Greenbank HaughRobertonIG
688LOCKY, JanetC30 Sep 1798William LOCKY/Margaret CaversRobertonIG/97
689LOCKIE, JanetC25 Apr 1802John LOCKIE/Jean StoddardWiltonIG/97
690LOCKIE, JanetC10 Jul 1803Walter LOCKIE/Jean WeirSouth LeithIG/97
691LOCKIE, Janet (p.480)S21 Oct 1803Gattonside; aged 76MelroseTR/VD
692LOCKIE, JanetC01 Jan 1811John LOCKIE/Janet RaeSt CuthbertsIG/93
693LOCKIE, JanetC19 Apr 1811Robert LOCKIE/Janet MathesonDunbarIG/97
694LOCKIE, JanetC07 Aug 1814William LOCKIE/Janet DixonEcclesIG/93
695LOCKIE, JanetC24 Jun 1815George LOCKIE/TraquairIG/97
696LOCKIE, JanetC19 Dec 1819William LOCKIE/TraquairIG/97
697LOKIE, JanetM17 Jun 1822Andrew WALKERHobkirkIG/93
698LOCKIE, JanetM21 Jun 1840John HOBSONWiltonIG/93
699LOCKIE, JanetB28 Mar 1845David LOCKIE/Margaret DickLinlithgowIG/97
700LOCKIE, JanetM09 Dec 1849John AMOSTraquairIG/93
701LOCKIE, Janet (from Fraginaie? parish)M14 Dec 1849John AMOSYarrowIG
702LOCKIE, JanetM14 Dec 1849John AMOSYarrowIG/93
703LOCKIE, JanetM02 Nov 1851John WHITLIEHuttonIG/93
704LOCKIE, JanetB12 Apr 1853William LOCKIE/Anne LeesChannelkirkIG/97
705LUCKIE, JanetM13 Apr 1859John GRAHAMHaddingtonIG/93
706LOCKIE, JanetB23 Sep 1859Thomas LOCKIE/Barbara LockieBathgateIG/93
707LOCKIE, JanetB06 Jan 1860William LOCKIE/Grace BrownWest LintonIG/93
708LOCKIE, JanetB17 Jan 1860Alexander LOCKIE/Mary StewartChannelkirkIG/93
709LOCKIE, JanetB03 Apr 1860James LOCKIE/Jane StewartEdinburghIG/93
710LOCKIE, JanetM11 Nov 1862Andrew COWEDalkeithIG/93
711LOCKIE, JanetM10 Jan 1866James MACKGordonIG/93
712LOCKIE, JanetB11 Nov 1866/Jane LOCKIELadhopeIG/93
713LOCKIE, JanetM23 Dec 1870George BRYDENKilbucho &c.IG/93
714LOCKIE, Janet TurnbullB06 Nov 1874George LOCKIE/Margaret ScottSelkirkIG/93
715LOCKIE, JessieB   Abt 1830Joseph Atwood DoaneLeithIG/93
716LOCKIE, JessieB   Abt 1830Joseph Atwood Doane/LeithIG/97
717LOCKIE, JessieM03 Dec 1847John SMITHEdinburghIG/93
718LOCKIE, JessieM05 Apr 1861Thomas RATTRAYEdinburghIG/93
719LOCKIE, JessieB02 Jul 1871James LOCKIE/Margaret RobertsEdinburghIG/93
720LOCHIE, Jessie H.M25 Dec 1867Thomas KERREdinburghIG/93
721LOCKIE, Jessie McalpineB07 Jul 1873Peter LOCKIE/Mary RoxburghLinlithgowIG/93
722LOCKIE, JohneM29 May 1642Margrat RIDDELivingstonIG/93
723LOCKIE, JohneC07 May 1643Johne LOCKIE/LivingstonIG/97
724LOCKIE, JohnC09 Jul 1657Alexander LOCKIE/Kaithrin JamesoneSt CuthbertsIG/97
725LOCKIE, JohnC14 Jun 1659John LOCKIE/Issbell WelchAshkirkIG/97
726LOCKIE, JohnM16 Oct 1664Jean WRIGHTCanongateIG/93
727LOCKIE, JohnM24 Nov 1664Jean WRIGHTCanongateIG/93
728LOCKIE, JohnM25 Nov 1664Jean WRIGHTEdinburghIG/93
729LOCKIE, JohnM25 Nov 1664Jean WRIGHTEdinburghIG/97
730LOCKIE, JohnM02 Feb 1664/5Elspeth SINCLAIREdinburghIG/93
731LOCKIE, JohnC18 Dec 1666John LOCKIE/SmailholmIG/97
732LOKIE, JohneC28 Oct 1667David Johne LOKIE/Marjorie TailyeorBo'nessIG/97
733LOCKIE, JohnC28 Jan 1670/1John LOCKIE/Elspeth SinclairEdinburghIG/97
734LOCKIE, JohnM06 Jul 1683Margreat MARTINEBathgateIG/93
735LOCKIE, JohnM20 Jul 1688Marion SCOTTAshkirkIG/93
736LOCKIE, JohnC   Abt 1691 LOCKIE/HarvieAshkirkIG/97
737LOCHIE, JohnC12 Apr 1696John LOCHIE/Saint BoswellsIG/97
738LOCKIE, JohnM02 Oct 1699Jean Watson or REIDEdinburghIG/93
739LOCKIE, JohnM15 Oct 1699Jean WATSONEdinburghIG/93
740LOCKIE, JohnC04 Jan 1700/1Thomas LOCKIE/Mary ToddSt CuthbertsIG/93
741LOCKIE, JohnM02 Sep 1701Isobel BROUNEEdinburghIG/93
742LOCKIE, JohnM01 Jan 1702/3Marion BROADIEInvereskIG/93
743LOCKIE, JohnM26 Jan 1703/4Marion KEDDERLivingstonIG/93
744LOCKIE, JohnM19 Jun 1706Jean SCOTRoxburghIG/93
745LOCKIE, JohnM16 May 1712Agnes WATTBathgateIG/93
746LOCKIE, JohnC14 Sep 1712John LOCKIE/Jean ScottRoxburghIG/97
747LOCKIE, JohnM03 Jun 1716(no spouse LISTED)MakerstonIG/93
748LOCKIE, JohnC30 Apr 1717Thomas LOCKIE/Hellen VeatchAshkirkIG/97
749LOCKIE, JohnM10 Jul 1718Marion DOBSONSelkirkIG/93
750LOCKIE, John (Tailour in Midlofloid)M10 Jul 1718Marion DOBSONSelkirkIG
751LOCKIE, JohnM16 Jul 1718Marion DOBSONSelkirkIG/93
752LOCKY, JohnC06 Sep 1719William LOCKY/CaversIG/97
753LOCKY, JohnC19 Sep 1720James LOCKY/CaversIG/97
754LOCKIE, JohnM25 Feb 1720/1Margaret RIDDELLSaint BoswellsIG/93
755LOCKIE, JohnM12 Aug 1726Helen LATOFala & SoutraIG/93
756LOCKIE, JohnM02 Feb 1727/8Hellen TURNBULLSelkirkIG
757LOCKIE, JohnM02 Feb 1727/8Hellen TURNBULSelkirkIG/93
758LOCKIE, JohnM03 Oct 1729Sara ATCHISONKelsoIG/93
759LOCKIE, JohnM04 Oct 1729(no spouse LISTED)MakerstonIG/93
760LOCKIE, JohnM11 Apr 1731Elspeth PORTICEWiltonIG/93
761LOCKIE, JohnC19 Jul 1736George LOCKIE/Alison PearsonSmailholmIG/97
762LOCKIE, JohnM12 Jul 1737Isabell LOCKIEMertounIG/93
763LOCKIE, JohnM12 Jul 1737Isabell LOCKIEMertounIG/93
764LOCKIE, JohnM18 Jul 1746Christian BRUESSKelsoIG/93
765LOCKIE, JohnM13 Aug 1746Christian BREWHOUSEMertounIG/93
766LOCKIE, JohnC09 Apr 1749William LOCKIE/Jean ChambersWhitburnIG/97
767LOCKIE, JohnM26 Apr 1755Isabel HAMILTONEckfordIG/93
768LOCKY, JohnM27 Jun 1758Margaret BURNETHuttonIG/93
769LOCKIE, JohnM27 Jul 1759Barbara HAILLIEMertounIG/93
770LOCKIE, JohnC02 Dec 1764William LOCKIE/Jennet LaidlawWiltonIG/97
771LOCKIE, JohnM01 Sep 1765Jane BREWISKelsoIG/93
772LOCKY, JohnC31 Jan 1768James LOCKY/Jean ScottWiltonIG/97
773LOCKIE, JohnM07 Jun 1772Anne ALLANKelsoIG/93
774LOCKIE, JohnM04 Dec 1772Janet HOULISTONFogoIG/93
775LOCKIE, JohnM12 Sep 1777Margaret PURVISSMaxtonIG/93
776LOCKIE, JohnM12 Sep 1777Margret PURVESSMertounIG/93
777LOCKIE, JohnM03 Jun 1781(no spouse LISTED)MakerstonIG/93
778LOCKIE, JohnM13 Jul 1781Allison THOMSONMertounIG/93
779LOCKIE, JohnM04 Aug 1781Allison THOMSONMertounIG/93
780LOCKIE, JohnM19 Nov 1791Janet SLIGHFouldenIG/93
781LOCKY, JohnM21 Nov 1791Jane STODDARDRobertonIG
782LOCKY, JohnM21 Nov 1791Jane STODDARTRobertonIG/93
783LOCKIE, JohnC10 Feb 1793George LOCKIE/Janet SelkirkSmailholmIG/97
784LOCKIE, JohnM17 Apr 1797Mary HENDERSONDalkeithIG/93
785LOCKIE, JohnM23 Jun 1797Jean COMBColintonIG/93
786LOCKIE, JohnC19 May 1799Thomas LOCKIE/Betty HartAshkirkIG/97
787LOCKIE, JohnC12 Jun 1799James LOCKIE/Margaret BellStowIG/97
788LOCKY, JohnC04 Sep 1800William LOCKY/Margaret Cavers; Mason at Caivers Greenbank HaughRobertonIG
789LOCKY, JohnM06 Apr 1805Helen THOMSONGarvaldIG/93
790LOCKIE, JohnM11 Apr 1806Janet RAEColintonIG/93
791LOCKIE, JohnC28 Feb 1807John LOCKIE/Janet RaeColintonIG/97
792LOCKIE, JohnC14 Oct 1810William LOCKIE/Mary HornColintonIG/97
793LOCKIE, JohnM23 Dec 1815Catharine ROBERTSONSt CuthbertsIG/93
794LOCKIE, JohnM20 Oct 1817Margaret ALSTONSt CuthbertsIG/93
795LOCKIE, JohnM04 Mar 1823Isabella ROBERTSONGreenlawIG/93
796LOCKIE, JohnM17 Aug 1823Isabella ROBERTSONGreenlawIG/93
797LOCKIE, JohnM22 Aug 1826Jane THOMSONKelsoIG/93
798LOCKIE, JohnM02 May 1828Mary HOLDENDunsIG/93
799LOCKIE, JohnM19 Apr 1829Mary BUCKHAMAncrumIG/93
800LOCKIE, JohnM23 Apr 1832Margaret SIMPSONSt CuthbertsIG/93
801LOCKIE, JohnM09 Nov 1832Margaret KERRGordonIG/93
802LOCKIE, JohnM18 Jan 1833Jane LEITHEADMelroseIG/93
803LOCKIE, JohnM19 Jul 1833Cathrine STEWARTGreenlawIG/93
804LOCKIE, JohnM02 Aug 1833Catherine STUARTEcclesIG/93
805LOCKIE, JohnS30 Sep 1850Tanner or Skinner, Selkirk; aged 39SelkirkPR
806LOCKIE, JohnM02 Feb 1851Georgina Hay WELSHHuttonIG/93
807LOCKIE, JohnB10 Feb 1852George LOCKIE/Margaret YoungAshkirkIG/97
808LOCKIE, JohnM10 Jun 1853Isabella BENNETGlencorseIG/93
809LOCKIE, JohnM24 Jun 1856Elizabeth SMYTHEdinburghIG/93
810LOCKIE, JohnM27 Jun 1856Elizabeth SMYTNEdinburghIG/93
811LOCKIE, JohnB30 Jul 1856Hugh LOCKIE/Helen FairbairnSelkirkIG/93
812LOCKIE, JohnB10 Apr 1858/Agnes LOCKIECrichtonIG/93
813LOCKIE, JohnB22 Nov 1858Thomas LOCKIE/Elisabeth Noble OliverMorebattleIG/93
814LOCKIE, JohnB01 Jan 1859David LOCKIE/Jane MillarFogoIG/93
815LOCKIE, JohnB31 Dec 1859David LOCKIE/Jane MillerEcclesIG/93
816LOCKIE, JohnB26 Oct 1861James LOCKIE/Agnes DochertyPeeblesIG/93
817LOCKIE, JohnB14 Jul 1863William LOCKIE/Mary AdamsonDunbarIG/93
818LOCKEY, JohnB02 Oct 1863John LOCKEY/Ann BrighamHawickIG/93
819LOCKIE, JohnB03 Jun 1865Robert LOCKIE/Isabella BrownMelroseIG/93
820LOCKIE, JohnM07 Dec 1866Margaret SMITHJedburghIG/93
821LOCKIE, JohnM07 Jun 1867Mary WEATHERSTONEPolwarthIG/93
822LOCKIE, JohnB01 Mar 1869/Margaret LOCKIEGreenlawIG/93
823LOCKIE, JohnM25 Nov 1869Mary Elliot ARMSTRONGMelroseIG/93
824LOCKIE, JohnB26 May 1871David LOCKIE/Elizabeth Kay BrownHumbieIG/93
825LOCKIE, JohnM09 Jun 1871Jane Kirkwood LYLEGordonIG/93
826LOCKIE, JohnW27 Dec 1878George LOCKIE/Helen L EDGARSelkirkXT
827LOCKIE, John BeattieB03 Jun 1866George LOCKIE/Ann ArmstrongHawickIG/93
828LOCKIE, John BuckhamB05 Nov 1872John LOCKIE/Mary Elliot ArmstrongSelkirkIG/93
829LOCKIE, John Lee Cuskes SB01 Oct 1857James LOCKIE/Jane StewartEdinburghIG/93
830LOCKIE, John ScottB24 Feb 1873Alexander LOCKIE/Helen ScottHumbieIG/93
831LOCKIE, John WelshB24 Nov 1856John LOCKIE/Georgina WelshEdinburghIG/93
832LOCKIE, JonathanC12 Apr 1723James LOCKIE/Elizabeth GilchristInvereskIG/93
833LOCKIE, LaurenceM19 Oct 1643Margaret LAUDEREdinburghIG/93
834LOCKIE, LetitiaM05 Nov 1863John NICOLSONEdinburghIG/93
835LOCKIE, MargaretM04 Feb 1610/1James THOMSOUNCanongateIG/93
836LOCKIE, MargaretC05 Aug 1635James LOCKIE/Anna MatthisoneEdinburghIG/97
837LOCKIE, MargaretC31 Mar 1637William LOCKIE/Janet ScotCanongateIG/97
838LOCKIE, MargaretC02 Jun 1640Andrew LOCKIE/Margaret ClerksoneEdinburghIG/97
839LOKIE, MargaretB22 Oct 1661James LOKIE/Margaret DasoneHaddingtonIG/97
840LOCKIE, MargaretM02 Jan 1681/2James CRICHTONHaddingtonIG/93
841LOCKIE, MargarettC13 Aug 1693William LOCKIE/LivingstonIG/97
842LOCKIE, MargaretC05 Jul 1694Thomas LOCKIE/Mary TodSt CuthbertsIG/97
843LOCKIE, MargaretC05 Jul 1694Thomas LOCKIE/Margaret ToddSt CuthbertsIG/93
844LOCKIE, MargaretC15 Mar 1696/7Adam LOCKIE/Elizabeth AitkinSt CuthbertsIG/93
845LOCKY, MargaretC20 Mar 1698/9Alexander LOCKY/EarlstonIG/97
846LOCKIE, MargaretC11 Oct 1702John LOCKIE/Elspeth BriggsKelsoIG/97
847LOCKIE, MargaretM25 Sep 1703William LILLEYNenthornIG/93
848LOCKIE, MargaretC25 Apr 1708David LOCKIE/Margaret OrrLivingstonIG/97
849LOCKIE, MargaretM23 Jan 1708/9Walter GRAHAMECaversIG/93
850LOCKIE, MargaretM08 Jul 1714John FLINTSmailholmIG/93
851LOCKY, MargaretM24 May 1716James HEATONEarlstonIG/93
852LOCKIE, MargaretM01 Oct 1719Patrick KERRLivingstonIG/93
853LOCKIE, MargaretM06 Nov 1719Patrick KERRKirklistonIG/93
854LOCKIE, MargratC05 May 1723George LOCKIE/Agnes RaeMakerstonIG/97
855LOCKIE, MargratC24 Mar 1723/4John LOCKIE/Margrat RiddellMakerstonIG/97
856LOCKIE, MargratC12 Apr 1724Thomas LOCKIE/Agnes HendersonMakerstonIG/97
857LOCKIE, MargaretM16 Dec 1725George PATERSONJedburghIG/93
858LOCKIE, MargaratM16 Dec 1725George PATERSONAncrumIG/93
859LOCKIE, MargaretC13 May 1733William LOCKIE/Isabel LockieKelsoIG/97
860ORMISTOUN/LOCKIE [LOCKIE], Margaret (p.238)C04 Dec 1738d. Charles ORMISTOUN/Jean LOCKIE; in MelroseMelroseTR/VD
861LOCKIE, MargaretM17 Jun 1741Thomas LAURIEMertounIG/93
862LOCKIE, MargaretM20 Jul 1744William SPENCEKelsoIG/93
863LOCKIE, MargaretM09 Aug 1744Alexander LAMBNenthornIG/93
864LOCKIE, MargaretM26 Mar 1747James MADERMaxtonIG/93
865LOCKIE, MargaretM26 Mar 1747James MADDERMertounIG/93
866LOCKIE, MargaretC12 Apr 1747Robert LOCKIE/Jean DrummondInvereskIG/93
867LOCKIE, MargaretM09 Oct 1747Robert LEITHEMKelsoIG/93
868LOCKY, MargrateC17 May 1751William LOCKY/Bessy EliotJedburgh, CongIG/97
869LOCKIE, MargaretC18 Aug 1754William LOCKIE/Jean ChalmersBathgateIG/97
870LOKIE, MargaretC11 May 1756William LOKIE/Betty DixonCrailingIG/97
871LOCKIE, MargarettM03 Nov 1758William MOSCRIPTYetholmIG/93
872LINDSAY/LOCKIE, Margaret (p.283)C11 May 1760d. James LINDSAY/Janet LOCKIE; in GattonsideMelroseTR/VD
873LOCKIE, MargretM22 Jun 1761William SMAILMertounIG/93
874LOCKIE, MargaretC12 Jun 1763Andrew LOCKIE/Agnus RiddelMaxtonIG/97
875LOCKIE, MargaretM03 Jun 1770James MERTENAncrumIG/93
876LOCKIE, MargaretM20 Jun 1776James NISBETHuttonIG/93
877LOCKIE, MargaretC30 Jun 1776George LOCKIE/Marrion RobsonMaxtonIG/97
878LOCKIE, MargaretM25 Jan 1778Matthew LOWRIEWest CalderIG/93
879LOCHIE, MargaretB   Abt 1780William TateColdstreamIG/93
880LOCKIE, MargaretC06 May 1781Alexander LOCKIE/MaxtonIG/97
881LOCKIE, MargretC01 Sep 1782John LOCKIE/Allison ThomsonMertounIG/93
882LOCKIE, MargaretC07 Sep 1782John LOCKIE/Agnes BurnEcclesIG/97
883LOCKIE, MargaretM23 Nov 1785Adam BRYDENMaxtonIG/93
884LOCKIE, MargaretC14 Jun 1789John LOCKIE/Margaret PittilloEdnamIG/97
885BRYDEN/LOCKIE [LOCKIE], Peggy (p.326)C28 Jun 1789d. Adam BRYDEN/Magaret LOCKIE; in NewtonMelroseTR/VD
886LOCKIE, MargaretM12 Jul 1794Robert THOMSONAshkirkIG/93
887LOCKIE, MargaretC09 Jul 1797John LOCKIE/Jean StoddardWiltonIG/97
888LOCKEY, MargaretM09 Oct 1802Charles SPENCEHaddingtonIG/93
889LOCKIE, MargaretM13 May 1804John CAMPBELL; b.o.t.p.YarrowIG
890LOCKIE, MargaretM13 May 1804John CAMPBELLYarrowIG/93
891LOCKIE, Peggy (p.481)S08 Sep 1805Melrose; aged 58: ConsumptionMelroseTR/VD
892LOCKIE, MargaretM24 Sep 1808John INGLIS; p.445MelroseTR/VD
893LOCKIE, MargaretM24 Sep 1808John INGLISMelroseIG/93
894LOCKIE, MargaretC20 Aug 1812John LOCKIE/Margaret WatherstonHuttonIG/97
895LOCKIE, MargaretM15 Nov 1814John LOCKHARTSt CuthbertsIG/93
896LOCKIE, MargaretC13 Apr 1817Robert LOCKIE/Janet MathesonDunbarIG/97
897LOCKIE, MargaretM19 Sep 1819Alexander DALGLIESHWiltonIG/93
898LOCKIE, MargaretM10 May 1822Robert BROWNColdstreamIG/93
899LOCKIE, MargaretC12 Feb 1823James LOCKIE/Isobella OliverRobertonIG
900LOCKIE, MargaretB12 Feb 1823James LOCKIE/Isobella OliverRobertonIG/97
901LOCKIE, MargaretM06 Nov 1829Peter LOTHIANDalkeithIG/93
902LOCKIE, MargaretC06 May 1835Thomas LOCKIE/Margaret YoungLothian Rd Co.IG/97
903LOCKIE, MargaretM31 May 1835Samuel BALMERAncrumIG/93
904LOCKIE, MargaretM05 Jun 1835Samuel BALMERMelroseIG/93
905LOCKIE, MargaretC27 Jul 1836Thomas LOCKIE/Margaret HayRobertonIG
906LOCKIE, MargaretB27 Jul 1836Thomas LOCKIE/Margaret HayRobertonIG/97
907LOCKIE, MargaretM13 Jan 1837John FAIRLIEMid CalderIG/93
908LOCKIE, MargaretM24 Nov 1844Charles NICOLTraquairIG/93
909LUCKY, MargaretB17 Feb 1849David LUCKY/Julia ShawSouth LeithIG/97
910LOCKIE, MargaretB12 Apr 1853William LOCKIE/Anne LeesChannelkirkIG/97
911LOCKIE, MargaretM14 May 1854William MURRAYWiltonIG/93
912LOCKIE, MargaretM26 May 1854William MURRAYMelroseIG/93
913LOCKIE, Margt.M09 Dec 1856Robt. INNESLeithIG/93
914LOCKIE, MargaretB23 Jan 1857Robert LOCKIE/Isabella BrownMelroseIG/93
915LOCKIE, MargaretM12 Jun 1857James MURRAYDuddingstonIG/93
916LOCKIE, MargaretB02 Apr 1858Alexander LOCKIE/Mary StewartChannelkirkIG/93
917LOCKIE, MargaretB10 Feb 1865Robert LOCKIE/Isabella InglesHuttonIG/93
918LOCKIE, MargaretM14 Jul 1865James Craig COWIEEdinburghIG/93
919LOCKIE, MargaretB23 Jul 1865William LOCKIE/Hannah Catherine HardieMelroseIG/93
920LOCKIE, MargaretB06 Aug 1865John LOCKIE/Janet BrownWest LintonIG/93
921LOCKIE, MargaretB11 Oct 1865David LOCKIE/Mary Armour FinnieLinlithgowIG/93
922LOCKIE, MargaretB20 Mar 1868John LOCKIE/Margaret SmithJedburghIG/93
923LUCKIE, MargaretB01 Aug 1869/Margaret LUCKIELeithIG/93
924LOCKIE, MargaretB09 Jan 1870William LOCKIE/Dorothy RobsonYetholmIG/93
925LOCKIE, MargaretB14 Oct 1872George LOCKIE/Margaret ScottSelkirkIG/93
926LOCKIE, Margaret BrodieC30 Sep 1826William LOCKIE/TraquairIG/97
927LOCKIE, Margaret BrodieB23 Feb 1859William LOCKIE/Helen LennieInnerleithenIG/93
928LOCKIE, Margaret Ella FB18 Apr 1917George LOCKIE/Sophia Euphemia M EdmonstoneEdinburghIG/93
929LOCKIE, Maggie GrieveB13 May 1871John LOCKIE/Mary Elliot ArmstrongSelkirkIG/93
930LOCKIE, Margaret InglesB29 Dec 1871John LOCKIE/Margaret SmithSouthdeanIG/93
931LOCKIE, Margaret DickB28 Jul 1865James LOCKIE/Margaret RobertsEdinburghIG/93

Key to Events
A - Adult Baptism B - Birth C - Christening D - Death I - Inquest
L - Banns M - Marriage N - Census Event P - Probate Record S - Burial ('Sepult')
T - Trade Directory W - Marriage Witness (NOT Will!) X - Miscellaneous: Churchwardens, &c.

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