Family History Research in Derbyshire
Some Records of BLACKWELL in Eyam and Great Hucklow (1561-1922)

Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie and others © 1989 and onwards.
Other Forenames:
Abraham to Job
Abraham to Job
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Forenames John to William

# Surname / Forenames Event / Date Related To / Remarks Parish / Source
538BLACKWALL, John (of Kirk Ireton)M   Bef 1625Alice BRADSHAW; of Kirk IretonKirk Ireton ?DB
539BLACKER, John (m.Ellen)C20 Sep 1635s. Edward BLACKER/EyamPR
540BLACKWELL, JohnM26 Oct 1657Mary HAINEKirk IretonIG
541BLACKWALL, JohnC06 Apr 1665John BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
542BLACKOE, John (m.1693)C09 Feb 1667/8s. John/Ellen BLACKOEEyamPR
543BLACKWELL, JohnC28 May 1673s. William BLACKWELL/; WirksworthWirksworthJP
544BLACKWALL, JohnC26 Feb 1674/5s. Henry BLACKWALL/; WirksworthWirksworthJP
545BLACKWALL, JohnesC05 Feb 1675/6Gulielmi BLACKWALL/Gt.LongstoneIG
546BLACKWELL, JohnS23 Nov 1679s. Mary BLACKWELL/WirksworthJP
547BLACKWELL, JohnC01 Dec 1680s. Francis/Jane BLACKWELLEyamPR
548BLACKWALL, JohnC08 Dec 1680Robt BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
549BLACKWALL, John (d.1698)C       1686s. Richard/Eliz: BLACKWALL; MiddletonYoulgreaveBT
550BLACKWALL, JohannisC01 Nov 1689fs Humfred BLACKWALL/; de Windmilne houseTideswellPR
551BLACKOW, John (m.Ellen)S08 Dec 1690de FoolowEyamPR
552BLACKWALL, Johannes (d.1700)C27 Dec 1692fs Nicholai BLACKWALL/; de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
553BLACKWALL, John (1667-1741)M13 Jul 1693Rebecca EYRETideswellPR
554BLACKWALL, John (b.1686)S       1698s. Richard BLACKWALL/; MiddletonYoulgreaveBT
555BLACKWELL, John (d.1702)C07 Aug 1698s. John/Rebeccah BLACKWELLEyamPR
556BLACKWELL, Johan: (b.1692)S30 Jan 1700/1fs Janæ BLACKWELL/; vid de Mag.LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
557BLACCO, JohnS03 Feb 1700/1s. Ralph BLACCO/; of Great HucklowHopeTR
558BLACCO, John (of Great Hucklow)M09 Nov 1701Anna COWPER; of HighlowHopeTR
559BLACKOW, John (b.1698)S23 Dec 1702s. John/Rebeccah BLACKOWEyamPR
560BLACKWALL, JohnM31 Dec 1704Elizabeth LAMBETaddingtonIG
561BLACKWELL, JohnM14 May 1706Frances REINEDarley DaleIG
562BLACKWELL, John (m.1729)C24 Jun 1708s. John/Anna BLACKWELLHopeTR
563BLACKWELL, JohannesS08 Jan 1708/9de AshfordGt.LongstoneBT
564BLACKWELL, JohannesS08 Jan 1708/9de AshfordGt.LongstonePR/GT
565BLACKWELL, JohannC08 Nov 1715Thomas BLACKWELL/AshfordIG
566BLACKWALL, JohnC14 May 1719Davenport BLACKWALL/TaddingtonIG
567BLACKWALL, JohnC12 Apr 1722s. George BLACKWALL/; of TideswallTideswellPR
568BLACKWELL, JohnC13 Oct 1722s. Davenport BLACKWELL/; Gt LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
569BLACKWELL, John (d.1727)C08 May 1726s. George BLACKWELL/; of Gt Hucklow in HopeTideswellPR
570BLACKWEL, JohnM14 Aug 1727Mary FROSTDarley DaleIG
571BLACKWALL, John (b.1726)S11 Mar 1727/8s. George BLACKWALL/; of Gt Huck (sic)TideswellPR
572BLACKWALL, John (of Eyam)M27 Feb 1729/30Elizabeth COOPER; of Tidswall: Lic.HopeTR
573BLACKWELL, JohnC12 Mar 1732/3s. Adam BLACKWELL/; of Great HucklowTideswellPR
574BLACKWELL, JnoS26 Dec 1735s. Jno/Elizth BLACKWELL; de EyamEyamPR
575BLAKWELL, JohnM21 Nov 1736Ann SHAWPeak ForestTR
576BLACKWELL, John (R)M14 Oct 1741Catharine THOMASPeak ForestTR
577BLACKWELL, Jno (b.1667)S19 Feb 1741/2de Foolow: PauperEyamPR
578BLACKWELL, John (m.Sheffield)C18 Mar 1746/7s. Robert/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
579BLACKWELL, JohnM19 Sep 1747Ann HAMBLETONAshfordIG
580BLACKWALL, John (m.1701)S18 Apr 1753of Gt HucklowHopeTR
581BLACKWALL, JohnC27 Dec 1753John BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
582BLACKWALL, JohnC07 Apr 1757Robert BLACKWALL/MaryWhittingtonIG
583BLACKWALL, Jno.C16 Apr 1758Jno. BLACKWALL/MatlockIG
584BLACKWALL, JohnC14 Jun 1761John BLACKWALL/AshfordIG
585BLACKWELL, John (d.1764)C19 Feb 1762s. George/Ann BLACKWELLHopeTR
586BLACKWELL, John (b.1762)S30 Oct 1764s. George BLACKWELL/; Gt HucklowHopeTR
587BLACKWELL, John (b.1708)S22 Dec 1765of EyamEyamPR
588BLACKWELL, JohnC03 Apr 1768George BLACKWELL/ElizabethAshfordIG
589BLACKWELL, John (o.t.p. Miner)M06 Dec 1770Martha JACKSON; sp.o.t.p. Lic.EyamPR
590BLACKWELL, JohnM15 Oct 1771Ann BRUNTBakewellIG
591BLACKWELL, JohnM01 Jul 1783Hannah HOWARDAshfordIG
592BLACKWELL, JohnM09 Feb 1786Ellen WILDGOOSEMatlockIG
593BLACKWELL, JohnC23 Mar 1788John BLACKWELL/EllenMatlockIG
594BLACKWALL, JohnC07 Jun 1792Thos BLACKWALL/MaryKirk IretonIG
595BLACKWELL, JohnM10 May 1813Elizabeth DAWSONHopeIG
596BLACKWELL, JohnC02 Oct 1814Andrew BLACKWELL/MaryCromfordIG
597BLACKWELL, JohnC12 Jun 1816Joshua BLACKWELL/HannahAshfordIG
598BLACKWELL, JohnC19 Oct 1828Samuel BLACKWELL/SarahCromfordIG
599BLACKWELL, JohnC01 Nov 1829Francis BLACKWELL/AnnTideswellIG
600BLACKWELL, JohnC09 Jun 1833Francis BLACKWELL/AnnTideswellIG
601BLACKWELL, JohnC16 Feb 1834Joseph BLACKWELL/SarahCromford,WesIG
602BLACKWELL, JohnC11 Jun 1848William BLACKWELL/SarahGt.LongstoneIG
603BLACKWELL, John (d.1852)C19 Jan 1851James BLACKWELL/Martha AnnEyamIG
604BLACKWELL, John (b.1851)S21 Sep 1852of Eyam; aged 2EyamPR
605BLACKWELL, JohnC08 Apr 1855James BLACKWELL/MarthaEyamIG
606BLACKWELL, JohnC14 Jul 1867Samuel BLACKWELL/SarahEyamIG
607BLACKWILL, John DavenportC10 Apr 1831Joshua BLACKWILL/SarahAshfordIG
608BLACKWELL, John RobertC05 Mar 1865James BLACKWELL/EstherTideswellIG
609BLACKWELL, JosiahC07 Nov 1824Francis BLACKWELL/MaryMonyashIG
610BLACKWELL, JosiahM06 Dec 1829Mary GODDARDGlossopIG
611BLACKOW, JosephC29 Apr 1683s. Francis/Jane BLACKOWEyamPR
612BLACKWELL, JoshS19 Oct 1760c. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
613BLACKWELL, JosephS26 Oct 1760s. Robert/Ruth BLACKWELL; Eyam MIEyamPR
614BLACKWELL, JosephC12 Oct 1766/Elizabeth BLACKWELLAshfordIG
615BLACKWELL, JosephC30 Aug 1776s. Jno/Martha BLACKWELLEyamPR
616BLACKWELL, JosephC19 May 1777Samuel BLACKWELL/MaryWhittingtonIG
617BLACKWELL, Jo.C04 Nov 1779John BLACKWELL/Mary; [Thos?/]AshfordIG
618BLACKWELL, JosephM26 Feb 1793Jane BEARDONMatlockIG
619BLACKWELL, JosephC16 May 1796Andrew BLACKWELL/ElizabethMatlockIG
620BLACKWELL, JosephM23 Jul 1804Sarah BRADSHAWBonsallIG
621BLACKWELL, JosephM31 May 1814Hannah MARSHALLWinsterIG
622BLACKWELL, Joseph (d.1885)C06 Apr 1817James BLACKWELL/ElizabethEyamIG
623BLACKWELL, JosephM05 Jan 1828Sarah GREGORYCrichIG
624BLACKWALL, Joseph (m.1850)C14 Aug 1829Robert BLACKWALL/NancyHopeIG
625BLACKWELL, JosephC13 Nov 1831Joseph BLACKWELL/SarahCromford,WesIG
626BLACKWELL, JosephW02 Dec 1839Thomas BARBER/Hannah BLACKWELLEyamXT
627BLACKWELL, JosephC05 Dec 1841Francis BLACKWELL/MargaretKirk IretonIG
628BLACKWELL, Joseph (1829-1894)M01 Apr 1850Mary RIDGEWAYEyamIG
629BLACKWELL, Joseph (d.1867)C24 Feb 1867Joseph BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
630BLACKWELL, Joseph (b.1867)S11 Sep 1867of Eyam; aged 7moEyamPR
631BLACKWELL, Joseph (b.1817)S19 Jan 1885late of Eyam; aged 67EyamPR
632BLACKWELL, Joseph (b.1829)S19 Apr 1894of Eyam; aged 64EyamPR
633BLACKWALL, JoshuaC18 Feb 1720/1Davenport BLACKWALL/TaddingtonIG
634BLACKWELL, Joshuah (m.Mary)C15 Oct 1747s. William/Mary BLACKWELL; of Great HucklowTideswellPR
635BLACKWELL, JoshuaS11 Jan 1785of ManchesterGt.LongstoneBT
636BLACKWELL, JoshuaM12 Oct 1814Hannah BAXTERBakewellIG
637BLACKWALL, JoshuaC25 Dec 1837Joshua BLACKWALL/SarahAshfordIG
638BLACKWELL, Joshua GregoryC31 May 1817James BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
639BLACKWELL, Joshua GregoryM08 Jun 1840Hannah Bailey MELLOREyamIG
640BLACKWELL, Joshua MalcolmC15 May 1857James BLACKWELL/EstherTideswellIG
641BLACKWALL, LetticeS14 Oct 1678ux. Gulielm BLACKWALL/; de Mag: LongstoneGt.LongstoneBT
642BLACKEWELL, LidiaC04 Mar 1665/6d. William BLACKEWELL/; WirksworthWirksworthJP
643BLACKWALL, LidiaC10 Mar 1686/7Robert BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
644BLAKWALL, LydiaM12 May 1705William GOODWYNChelmortonIG
645BLACKWALL, LydiaC12 Feb 1724/5Robti. BLACKWALL/SaraeWhittingtonIG
646BLACKWELL, LydiaC25 Jan 1801Ralph BLACKWELL/HannahCromford,IndIG
647BLACKWELL, LydiaC08 Oct 1809Thomas BLACKWELL/HannahMatlockIG
648BLACKWAL, MargaretM02 Jul 1561John CADMANBeeleyIG
649BLACKWELL, MargaretM01 Jun 1589George ARNOTKirk IretonIG
650BLACKWALL, MargaretC   Apr 1612d. Thomas BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonCB
651BLACKWALL, Margaret (d.1699)C18 Jan 1651/2d. Anthony/Margaret BLACKWALLEyamPR
652BLACKWALL, Margaret (née Merrill)S16 Apr 1666w. Anthony BLACKWALL/; defunctEyamPR
653BLACKWALL, MargaretC21 Jul 1672Andrew BLACKWALL/AnneTaddingtonIG
654BLACKWALL, MargaretS09 Aug 1679uxor Johann BLACKWALL/TideswellPR
655BLACKOW, Margaret (b.1651)S09 May 1699N.O.D.EyamPR
656BLACKWELL, Margt (née Hall)S07 Jul 1757EyamEyamPR
657BLACKWELL, PeggyC26 Dec 1760d. William/Mary BLACKWELLHopeTR
658BLACKWELL, Margret (m.1788)C27 Mar 1767d. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
659BLACKWELL, Margaret (b.1767)M01 Sep 1788Edward UNWIN; both o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
660BLACKWELL, MargaretC13 Dec 1829Joshua BLACKWELL/SarahAshfordIG
661BLACKWELL, MargaretC12 Apr 1846Joshua Gregory BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
662BLACKWELL, MargaretC13 Jan 1852James BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
663BLACKWALL, Martha (d.1694)C26 Jul 1694d. John/Rebeccah BLACKWALL; FoolowEyamPR
664BLACKWALL, Martha (b.1694)S29 Jul 1694d. John/Rebeccah BLACKWALL; FoolowEyamPR
665BLACKWAL, MarthaC06 Feb 1727/8Roberti BLACKWAL/SaraeWhittingtonIG
666BLACKWELL, MarthaC14 Oct 1734d. Davenport BLACKWELL/; of Gt LongstoneGt.LongstoneBT
667BLACKWEL, MarthaS?       1735d. Davenport BLACKWEL/; of Gt LongstoneGt.LongstoneBT
668BLACKWELL, Martha (?d.1813)C18 Jan 1736/7d. Jno/Elizth BLACKWELL; de EyamEyamPR
669BLACKWELL, MarthaC10 Sep 1757John BLACKWELL/AshfordIG
670TAYLOR/BLACKWELL [BLAKER], MarthaC12 Feb 1771d. Hannah BLACKWELL/:by Wm. TAYLOREyamPR
671BLACKWELL, MarthaS11 Sep 1784d. Thomas BLACKWELL/; of Great LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
672BLACKWALL, MarthaC14 Sep 1791Samuel BLACKWALL/SarahWirksworthIG
673BLACKWELL, Martha (?b.1736)S06 Aug 1813of Calver; aged 82BaslowPR
674BLACKWELL, MarthaM02 Mar 1818Samuel FLINDENDarley DaleIG
675BLACKWELL, Martha (née Brittlebank)S29 Jun 1821of Eyam; aged 45EyamPR
676BLACKWALL, MarthaC21 Oct 1821Robert BLACKWALL/NancyHopeIG
677BLACKWELL, MarthaC23 Feb 1834Robert BLACKWELL/MarthaBakewellIG
678BLACKWELL, MarthaC09 Jun 1850Ezra BLACKWELL/JemimaEyamIG
679BLACKWELL, MarthaW10 Jul 1915James Alexr. MILLIGAN/Mary Elizabeth HANCOCKSt.MiddletonPR
680BLACKWELL, Martha Ann (w.James)S08 Nov 1885of Eyam; aged 65EyamPR
681BLACKWELL, Martha DawsonC27 Sep 1819John BLACKWELL/Elizth.TideswellIG
682BLACKWELL, MaryD        d. James/Mary BLACKWELLEyamMI
683BLACKWALL, MariaC29 Dec 1643filia Richardi BLACKWALL/; de Magna LongsdonGt.LongstonePR/GT
684BLACKWALL, MarieM15 Jan 1662/3William FROGATKirk IretonIG
685BLACKEWELL, MaryC29 Oct 1663d. William BLACKEWELL/; WirksworthWirksworthJP
686BLACKWELL, MaryC22 May 1666John BLACKWELL/Gt.LongstoneIG
687BLACKWALL, MaryM09 Apr 1668Thomas SHAWEyamPR
688BLACKWALL, MaryC15 Jul 1677Richard BLACKWALL/AnneTaddingtonIG
689BLACKWAL, MaryM14 Feb 1680/1Francis WATKINSONKirk IretonIG
690BLACKOW, MaryC29 Apr 1683d. Francis/Jane BLACKOWEyamPR
691BLACKWELL, MariaM25 Aug 1687Thomas GOODWINGt.LongstoneIG
692BLACKWELL, Maria (de Longston)M25 Aug 1687Thomas GOODWIN; de AshfordGt.LongstonePR/GT
693BLACKWALL, Mary (d.1694)C26 Jul 1694d. John/Rebeccah BLACKWALL; FoolowEyamPR
694BLACKWALL, Mary (b.1694)S11 Aug 1694d. John/Rebeccah BLACKWALL; FoolowEyamPR
695BLACKWALL, MariaC13 Jan 1696/7fa Mathew BLACKWALL/; de LittonTideswellPR
696BLACKWALL, MaryS12 Aug 1700d. Mary BLACKWALL/; WirkesworthWirksworthJP
697BLACKWELL, Maria (of Great Hucklow)M16 Sep 1705Robert TYMPERLEY; TidswellHopeTR
698BLACKWALL, MariaC19 Feb 1707/8Thomae BLACKWALL/AshfordIG
699BLACKWELL, MariaC31 Dec 1710George BLACKWELL/BarlowIG
700BLACKWALL, MaryC12 Jan 1711/2John BLACKWALL/TaddingtonIG
701BLACKWELL, MariaC03 Mar 1714/5d. John/Anna BLACKWELLHopeTR
702BLACKWAL, MaryC28 Jul 1715Thomas BLACKWAL/ChelmortonIG
703BLACKWELL, MaryC25 Apr 1716d. Daniel BLACKWELL/; MiddletonWirksworthJP
704BLACCO, MariaC02 Sep 1716d. George/Maria BLACCO; of BradwallHopeTR
705BLACKWELL, MaryS03 Sep 1716of Great HucklowTideswellPR
706BLACKWELL, MaryC18 Jul 1718d. George BLACKWELL/; of TidswallTideswellPR
707BLACKWELL, Mary (d.1757)C03 Jun 1719d. James/Margaret BLACKWELLEyamPR
708BLACKWELL, MaryM31 May 1720Joshua BONDDarley DaleIG
709BLACKWALL, MaryC01 Jan 1722/3Jno BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
710BLACKWELL, MaryS22 Jan 1723/4wid of Great HuckLow in Hope parTideswellPR
711BLACKWALL, MaryC02 Jun 1724Will BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
712BLACKWELL, MaryS24 Jul 1724from David BLACKWELL's notes; no P.R. checkEyamOT
713BLACKWALL, MaryM10 Feb 1729/30Joseph BAGALEYAshfordIG
714BLACKWELL, Mary (m.1754)C14 Jun 1733d. Abraham/Alice BLACKWELLHopeTR
715BLACKWELL, MaryM06 Jun 1736Henry HOTKINSONPeak ForestTR
716BLACKWALL, Mary (m.1769)C06 Jan 1738/9d. Saml/Alice BLACKWALL; of EyamEyamPR
717BLACKWELL, MaryM27 Jul 1741Jonathan STONEWinsterIG
718BLACKWELL, MaryC12 Oct 1742d. John/Catherine BLACKWELL; EyamEyamPR
719BLACKWELL, Mary (née Townsend)S20 Sep 1751w. Francs BLACKWELL/; EyamEyamPR
720BLACKWELL, Mary (d.1764)C25 Oct 1753d. Saml/Hannah BLACKWELLEyamPR
721BLACKWALL, Mary (b.1733)M27 Aug 1754Geo GREGORY; both o.t.p.HopeTR
722BLACKWALL, MaryS07 Sep 1754wid of Gt HucklowHopeTR
723BLACKWELL, Mary (d. by 1759?)C21 Feb 1755d. James/Mary BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
724BLACKWELL, Mary (m.1776)C30 Aug 1756d. William/Mary BLACKWELLHopeTR
725BLACKWELL, Mary (b.1719)S24 Jul 1757of Eyam; Will confirms identityEyamPR
726BLACKWELL, MaryM   Dec 1758Thomas BATEMANDarley DaleIG
727BLACKWELL, MaryM08 Jan 1759Thomas BATEMAN; of DarleighWinsterDS
728BLACKWELL, Mary (m.1782)C23 Jun 1759d. James/Mary BLACKWELL; EyamEyamPR
729BLACKWELL, MaryS26 Oct 1760d. Robert/Ruth BLACKWELL; Eyam MIEyamPR
730BLACKWELL, Mary (?Elizth)S26 Nov 1763d. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELLEyamPR
731BLACKWELL, Mary (b.1753)S19 Jun 1764d. Saml/Hannah BLACKWELLEyamPR
732BLACKWELL, MariaC19 Oct 1766John BLACKWELL/MaryMatlockIG
733BLACKWELL, Mary (sp.)M15 Jul 1769William HALL; Weaver: W(Robt)EyamPR
734BLACKWALL, MaryC16 Apr 1773Saml. BLACKWALL/WirksworthIG
735BLACKWELL, Mary (b.1756)M26 Dec 1776George GREGORYHopeTR
736BLACKWELL, MaryM03 Dec 1777Thomas POTTERDarley DaleIG
737BLACKWELL, MaryC25 Jan 1780Samuel BLACKWELL/MaryWhittingtonIG
738BLACKWELL, Mary (b.1759)M21 Jun 1782Joseph YOUL; both o.t.p.EyamPR
739BLACKWELL, Mary (m.1809)C20 Mar 1786d. James/Sarah BLACKWELLEyamPR
740BLACKWELL, Mary (m.1831)C29 Aug 1790Isaac BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
741BLACKWALL, MaryM11 Oct 1790George MILNERDarley DaleIG
742BLACKWALL, MaryC24 Aug 1791Robert BLACKWALL/SarahWirksworthIG
743BLACKWELL, Mary (X:)M06 Sep 1791William HEARNSHAW; sg: both o.t.c.BaslowPR
744BLACKWALL, MaryC07 Jun 1792Thomas BLACKWALL/MaryKirk IretonIG
745BLACKWELL, MaryM04 Jun 1795Robert TAYLORWirksworthIG
746BLACKWALL, MaryC18 Nov 1796John BLACKWALL/FrancesKirk IretonIG
747BLACKWELL, Mary (neé Furniss)S26 May 1798aged 72EyamPR
748BLACKWELL, MariaM28 Jan 1799George TOMLINSONMatlockIG
749BLACKWALL, MaryC30 Jan 1800William BLACKWALL/DronfieldIG
750BLACKWALL, Mary (b.1786)M31 Jan 1809Elias OLDFIELDHopeIG
751BLACKWELL, Mary (m.1829)C22 Apr 1810Robert BLACKWELL/NancyEyamIG
752BLACKWELL, MaryS03 Jan 1813widow of Chesterfield; aged 54ChesterfdBT
753BLACKWELL, MaryC21 Feb 1813Francis BLACKWELL/MaryMonyashIG
754BLACKWELL, MaryC07 Mar 1813James BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
755BLACKWELL, MaryC07 May 1817/Alice BLACKWELLWinsterIG
756BLACKWELL, MaryC07 Nov 1819Richard BLACKWELL/MarthaSheldonIG
757BLACKWELL, MaryC09 Apr 1820Richard BLACKWELL/MaryWinsterIG
758BLACKWELL, MaryM18 Dec 1820George CLARKECrichIG
759BLACKWELL, MaryC20 Jan 1822Richard BLACKWELL/MaryWinsterIG
760BLACKWELL, MaryM30 May 1822Henry CLARKWirksworthIG
761BLACKWELL, MaryM18 Aug 1828Peter OLLORENSHAWBakewellIG
762BLACKWELL, Mary (b.1810)M28 Sep 1829William BAGSHAWHopeIG
763BLACKWELL, Mary (b.1790)M29 Oct 1831Joseph RAYBakewellIG
764BLACKWELL, MaryC28 Jul 1833Joshua BLACKWELL/SarahAshfordIG
765BLACKWELL, MaryC18 May 1834John BLACKWELL/FannyBakewellIG
766BLACKWELL, MaryC24 Apr 1836John BLACKWELL/FrancesBakewellIG
767BLACKWELL, MaryM17 Oct 1836William COLLETTBakewellIG
768BLACKWELL, MaryC15 Jan 1841Joseph BLACKWELL/MaryWinsterIG
769BLACKWELL, MaryC26 Feb 1843Joshua Gregory BLACKWELL/Hannah BaileyEyamIG
770BLACKWELL, MaryC26 May 1844Francis BLACKWELL/MargaretWirksworthIG
771BLACKWELL, Mary (d.30.6)S04 Jul 1844w. James BLACKWELL/; Hanging Flat: aged 74EyamPR
772BLACKWELL, MaryC11 Mar 1849Joseph BLACKWELL/MaryWinsterIG
773BLACKWELL, MaryC28 Aug 1864Joseph BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
774BLACKWELL, MaryC08 Jul 1866James BLACKWELL/AnnEyamIG
775BLACKWELL, Mary AnneC13 Dec 1817Joshua BLACKWELL/HannahAshfordIG
776BLACKWELL, MarianneC23 Nov 1851William BLACKWELL/SarahGt.LongstoneIG
777BLACKWELL, Mary ElizabethC05 Aug 1860James BLACKWELL/EstherTideswellIG
778BLACKWELL, Mary LaviniaC01 Oct 1854Charles BLACKWELL/MaryBakewellIG
779BLACKWALL, MathewM   May 1694Anna SPENCERTideswellPR
780BLACKWALL, MathewS06 Apr 1697de LittonTideswellPR
781BLACKWELL, MathewM08 Mar 1810Jane WRIGHTDarley DaleIG
782BLACKWELL, MatthewM24 Aug 1824Jane ALLENDarley DaleIG
783BLACKWELL, NathanaelC18 Apr 1794Isaac BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
784BLACKWALL, NicholausM09 Jun 1684Alicia REDFERN; de Mag: LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
785BLACKWALL, NicholausM21 Jan 1691/2Jana CLAYGt.LongstoneIG
786BLACKWELL, NicholasS14 May 1697de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
787BLACKWELL, NicholausS14 May 1697de Magna LonstonGt.LongstonePR/GT
788BLACKWELL, Peter (m.Sheffield)C   Oct 1737s. Abraham/Alice BLACKWELLHopeTR
789BLACKWELL, PeterM       1759/6+Mary CHAPMANHopeTR
790BLACKWELL, PeterC31 Aug 1777s. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELLEyamPR
791BLACKWELL, PeterC29 Jul 1792Ralph BLACKWELL/HannahMatlockIG
792BLACKWELL, Peter (d.1809)C22 Dec 1799Samuel BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
793BLACKWELL, Peter (b.1799)S27 Feb 1809aged 9EyamPR
794BLACKWELL, PhoebeC12 Sep 1751d. William/Mary BLACKWELLHopeTR
795BLACKWELL, RalphusC16 Mar 1678/9fs Ralphi BLACKWELL/; de WardlowGt.LongstoneBT
796BLACKWELL, RalphS14 May 1682s. George BLACKWELL/; of LittonTideswellPR
797BLACKWELL, RalphS18 Nov 1684de LittonTideswellPR
798BLACKWELL, RalphM30 Oct 1691Alice CREAVELL; (both) WindmillHopeTR
799BLACKWELL, RalphM14 Feb 1722/3Sarah GREAVESDarley DaleIG
800BLACKWELL, RalphM08 Jun 1732Sarah FURNICE; (both) of this p.HopeTR
801BLACKWELL, RalphS11 Oct 1734of Wind Mill in the par. of HopeTideswellPR
802BLACKWELL, RalphC   Apr 1746s. George BLACKWELL/; of Wind-millTideswellPR
803BLACKWALL, RalphS05 Mar 1748/9of WindmillHopeTR
804BLACKWELL, RalphS10 Jan 1768of Great HucklowTideswellPR
805BLACKWALL, RalphC25 Jun 1769Samuel BLACKWALL/WirksworthIG
806BLACKWALL, RalphM19 Oct 1791Hannah BODENMatlockIG
807BLACKWELL, RebeccaM26 Jun 1701James SPENCERDarley DaleIG
808BLACKOE, Rebecca (of Eyam)M05 Oct 1729James TIMPERLEY; TidswallHopeTR
809BLACKWELL, RebeckaC30 Nov 1736d. Saml/Alice BLACKWELL; de EyamEyamPR
810BLACKWALL, RebeckahC02 Feb 1738/9d. John/Elizth BLACKWALL; de EyamEyamPR
811BLACKWELL, RebeckaS09 May 1742Relict of Jno BLACKWELL/; FoolowEyamPR
812BLACKWELL, RebeccaC05 Sep 1759Anth. BLACKWELL/MatlockIG
813BLACKWELL, RebeccaM01 Oct 1761William GREGORY; Miner: Lic.EyamPR
814BLACKWELL, Rebecca (née Middleton)S18 Apr 1762of Tideswell widowTideswellPR
815BLACKWELL, Rebecca (m.1793)C29 Jun 1764d. James/Mary BLACKWELLEyamPR
816BLACKWELL, Rebecca (b.1764)M25 Aug 1793Jas. ROWLAND; both o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
817BLACKWELL, RebeccaS15 Apr 1919of Shepherds Park Farm; aged 70EyamPR
818BLACKWALL, RichardS13 Nov 1613Kirk IretonCB
819BLACKWALL, RichardC02 Aug 1668s. William BLACKWALL/; WirksworthWirksworthJP
820BLACKWELL, RicardusC24 Jul 1670fil. Johans BLACKWELL/; de LongstonGt.LongstonePR/GT
821BLACKWELL, RichardC14 May 1676s. Richard BLACKWELL/; AlderwasleyWirksworthJP
822BLACKWALL, RichardM20 Nov 1686Grace RIPPENTaddingtonIG
823BLACKWELL, Ricd. (d.1687)C22 May 1687fs Ricdi. BLACKWELL/; de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
824BLACKWELL, RichardusC22 May 1687filius Richardi BLACKWELL/; de Magna LongstonGt.LongstonePR/GT
825BLACKWELL, Ricd. (b.1687)S25 Jun 1687fs Richardi BLACKWELL/; de Mag: LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
826BLACKWELL, RichardusS25 Jun 1687filius Richard BLACKWELL/; de Magna LongstonGt.LongstonePR/GT
827BLACKWALL, RichardS22 Jan 1689/90de LittonTideswellPR
828BLACKWALL, RichardC05 Dec 1691Thomas BLACKWALL/TaddingtonIG
829BLACKWALL, RichardS03 Mar 1700/1s. Mary BLACKWALL/; WirkesworthWirksworthJP
830BLACKWALL, RichardM20 Oct 1701Elizabeth GOODWINChelmortonIG
831BLACKWALL, RichardC16 May 1703Richard BLACKWALL/TaddingtonIG
832BLACKWALL, RichardP07 Oct 1706of TaddingtonTaddingtonWC
833BLACKOW, RichardS20 Jan 1708/9N.O.D.YoulgreaveBT
834BLACKWELL, RichardusS15 May 1709de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
835BLACKWELL, Richard (d.1734)C25 Mar 1734s. James BLACKWELL/; of WindmilnTideswellPR
836BLACKWELL, Richard (b.1734)S01 Apr 1734s. James BLACKWELL/; of WindmilnTideswellPR
837BLACKWELL, RichardC09 Jun 1743s. George BLACKWELL/; of Wind millTideswellPR
838BLACKWELL, RichardC13 Jun 1748s. John BLACKWELL/; of Wind millTideswellPR
839BLACKWELL, RichardM09 Nov 1807Mary BAGSHAWHopeIG
840BLACKWELL, RichardM11 Sep 1811Martha BAKERBakewellIG
841BLACKWELL, RichardM02 Jan 1816Mary COCKERWinsterIG
842BLACKWALL, RobertP03 Oct 1637of TaddingtonTaddingtonWC
843BLACKWALL, RobbertS07 Feb 1642/3filius Thomae BLACKWALL/; de Magna LongsdonGt.LongstonePR/GT
844BLACKWALL, Robt.M13 Jan 1675/6Eliza. STORERKirk IretonIG
845BLACKWELL, RobartC19 Jun 1684Rob BLACKWELL/Kirk IretonIG
846BLACKWELL, RobertP29 Oct 1686of Tideswell: AdTideswellWC
847BLACKWALL, RobertM26 Apr 1688Bridget OUTFIELDTideswellIG
848BLACKOW, Robert (d.1729)C09 Apr 1693s. Francis/Jane BLACKOWEyamPR
849BLACKWALL, RobertM09 May 1717Sarah LOWEWhittingtonIG
850BLACKWELL, Robert (m.1745)C08 Jun 1718s. John/Anna BLACKWELLHopeTR
851BLACKWALL, RobertusC17 Jul 1723Roberti BLACKWALL/SaraeWhittingtonIG
852BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1693)S01 Oct 1729of EyamEyamPR
853BLACKWALL, Robt (m.1760)C15 Mar 1729/30s. James/Margaret BLACKWALLEyamPR
854BLACKWALL, Robert (d.1731)C   Oct 1731s. George BLACKWALL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
855BLACKWALL, Robert (b.1731)S29 Feb 1731/2s. George BLACKWALL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
856BLACKWALL, RobertC24 Jul 1738s. Adam BLACKWALL/; of Great HucklowTideswellPR
857BLACKWELL, Robert (m.1758)C   Sep 1738s. Robert BLACKWELL/; of Wind milnTideswellPR
858BLACKWELL, Robert (1718-1762)M01 Mar 1745/6Elizabeth MORTENEyamPR
859BLACKWELL, RobertC20 Mar 1756s. Robert/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
860BLACKWALL, RobertC11 Apr 1756John BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
861BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1738)M23 Nov 1758Jane WALKERTideswellIG
862BLACKWELL, Robert (o.t.p. Eyam)M26 Aug 1760Ruth SELLARS; o.t.p. Eyam: Lic.EyamPR
863BLACKWALL, Robt (b.1718)S21 Jul 1762& Eliz his wife: Gt HucklowHopeTR
864BLACKWALL, Robert (d.1765)C20 Oct 1763s. Robt/Ruth BLACKWALLEyamPR
865BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1763)D23 Dec 1765s. Robert/Ruth BLACKWELL; aged 2EyamMI
866BLACKWELL, Robert (Dupe)S25 Dec 1765s. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
867BLACKWELL, RobtC25 Dec 1766s. James/Mary BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
868BLACKWELL, Robert (d.1769)C15 Jun 1768s. William/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
869BLACKWELL, RobertW15 Jul 1769William HALL/Mary BLACKWELLEyamPR
870BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1768)S30 Jul 1769s. William/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
871BLACKWELL, RobertC22 May 1774s. Jno/Martha BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
872BLACKWELL, Robert (1m.1807)C16 Mar 1777s. James/Sarah BLACKWELLEyamPR
873BLACKWELL, RobertW27 Aug 1780James WOOD/Lydia DRABBLEEyamPR
874BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1730)D23 Feb 1781aged 51EyamMI
875BLACKWELL, Robert (Dupe)S25 Feb 1781of EyamEyamPR
876BLACKWELL, Robert (Dupe)P02 May 1781Lichfield Calendar: EyamEyamWC
877BLACKWELL, Robert (m.1808)C13 Jan 1788s. Isaac/Hannah BLACKWELLEyamPR
878BLACKWALL, RobertC01 Jan 1789Robert BLACKWALL/CatharineWirksworthIG
879BLACKWALL, RobtC23 Aug 1793Thos BLACKWALL/MaryKirk IretonIG
880BLACKWELL, Robert (d.1804)C09 Jan 1803Samuel BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
881BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1803)S17 Mar 1804aged 1EyamPR
882BLACKWELL, Robert (o.t.p. Eyam)M16 Jun 1807Martha BRITTLEBANK; N.O.D.EyamPR
883BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1788)M01 May 1808Nancy CHEETHAMHopeIG
884BLACKWELL, RobertC10 Jun 1825Robert BLACKWELL/MarthaBakewellIG
885BLACKWELL, Robert (d.1788)D29 Jun 1836of Isaac/Hannah BLACKWELL; aged 48EyamMI
886BLACKWELL, RobertC06 Mar 1844James BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
887BLACKWELL, Robert (m.Bas.1874)C29 Nov 1846James BLACKWELL/Martha AnnEyamIG
888BLACKWELL, RobertC30 Nov 1852Ezra BLACKWELL/JemimaEyamIG
889BLACKWELL, RobertC23 Mar 1856Joshua BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
890BLACKWELL, Robert (b.1777)S26 May 1858of Eyam; aged 81EyamPR
891BLACKWELL, RobertMMr 1/4 1866Hannah WHITE; 9c 467Sheffd RegSC
892BLACKWELL, Robert (of ?Eyam: a.27)M16 Sep 1874Rebecca GARDNER; a.25BaslowPR/TR
893BLACKWALL, Robt EatonC15 Jun 1794Thos BLACKWALL/MaryKirk IretonIG
894BLACKWELL, Robert JohnC08 Oct 1854Joseph BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
895BLACKWELL, RoseC19 Aug 1866Richard BLACKWELL/MaryWinsterIG
896BLACKWALL, RuthC30 Nov 1673d. Richard BLACKWALL/; MidletonWirksworthJP
897BLACKWELL, Ruth (née Sellars)S15 Apr 1804aged 63EyamPR
898BLACKWELL, Ruth (d.1852)C09 Sep 1804d. Isaac/Hannah BLACKWELLEyamPR/JK
899BLACKWELL, Ruth (d.1811)C30 Dec 1810Samuel BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
900BLACKWELL, Ruth (b.1810)S14 Feb 1811aged 1moEyamPR
901BLACKWELL, Ruth (m.1873)C14 Mar 1849James BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
902BLACKWELL, RuthS28 Jul 1852of Eyam; aged 49: d.26.7:MIEyamPR
903BLACKWELL, Ruth (b.1849)M30 Dec 1873George BAMFORDEyamPR
904BLACKWELL, RuthW10 Jun 1878Thomas BLACKWELL/Sarah Ann GODDARDSt.MiddletonPR
905BLACKWALL, SamuelC20 Aug 1715Davenport BLACKWALL/TaddingtonIG
906BLACKWELL, SamuelC08 Apr 1716George BLACKWELL/BarlowIG
907BLACKWALL, Samll.C07 Jun 1730s. Davenport BLACKWALL/; of Gt Long.Gt.LongstoneBT
908BLACKWELL, Samuel (d.1737)C31 Jul 1737s. George BLACKWELL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
909BLACKWELL, Samuel (b.1737)S27 Nov 1737s. George BLACKWELL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
910BLACKWEL, SamuelM25 Jan 1740/1Mary ALISONWhittingtonIG
911BLACKWELL, Samuel (?-1774)M16 Feb 1747/8Hannah BAGSHAWEyamPR
912BLACKWALL, SamuelM24 Oct 1756Ann HIGTONWirksworthIG
913BLACKWELL, Saml (d.1770)C28 Aug 1758s. Saml/Hannah BLACKWELL; EyamEyamPR
914BLACKWELL, SamuelC05 Dec 1761s. William BLACKWELL/; of Tideswell: flax-dresserTideswellPR
915BLACKWELL, SamuelM29 Apr 1768Sarah THOMPSONWirksworthIG
916BLACKWELL, Samuel (b.1758)S05 Mar 1770s. Samll/Hannah BLACKWELL; EyamEyamPR
917BLACKWELL, SamuelC05 Apr 1774s. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
918BLACKWELL, Samll (m.1748)S05 Jul 1774N.O.D.EyamPR
919BLACKWELL, Samuel (d.1803)C25 Jul 1784s. James/Sarah BLACKWELLEyamPR
920BLACKWELL, Samuel (1774-1852)M06 Jan 1796Hannah BAGSHAW; both o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
921BLACKWELL, Saml.C10 Sep 1797Ralph BLACKWELL/HannahMatlockIG
922BLACKWELL, SamuelM05 Feb 1798Sarah BLACKWELLMatlockIG
923BLACKWELL, Samuel (b.1784)S09 Jul 1803aged 19EyamPR
924BLACKWELL, Samuel (m.1825)C10 May 1804James BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
925BLACKWELL, SamuelC24 Jan 1808Samuel BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
926BLACKWELL, SamuelM25 Aug 1811Mary BROWN; BolsoverSheffd,St.PetST
927BLACKWELL, SamuelC14 Aug 1816/Grace BLACKWELLBakewellIG
928BLACKWELL, SamuelM13 Sep 1819Dorothy POTTERMatlockIG
929BLACKWELL, SamuelM13 Nov 1820Sarah SHORTWirksworthIG
930BLACKWELL, Samuel (b.1804)M18 Jul 1825Ann SWINDELEyamIG
931BLACKWELL, SamuelC27 Nov 1831/Hannah BLACKWELLTideswellIG
932BLACKWELL, Samuel (d.1842)C22 May 1836Robert BLACKWELL/NancyHopeIG
933BLACKWELL, SamuelC26 May 1839James BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
934BLACKWELL, SamuelC28 Jun 1840John BLACKWELL/MaryBakewellIG
935BLACKWELL, Samuel (b.1836)S24 Oct 1842Robt/Nancy BLACKWELL; Gt Hucklow: aged 6EyamPR
936BLACKWELL, SamuelC27 Aug 1845George BLACKWELL/SarahEyamIG
937BLACKWELL, SamuelDMr 1/4 185119 313Bakewell RegSC
938BLACKWELL, SamuelDSp 1/4 18527b 355Bakewell RegSC
939BLACKWELL, Samuel (b.1774)S23 Sep 1852of Eyam; aged 78EyamPR
940BLACKWELL, SamuelC15 Oct 1854Ezra BLACKWELL/JemimaEyamIG
941BLACKWELL, SamuelDMr 1/4 1869aged 71; 7b 461Bakewell RegSC
942BLACKWELL, SamuelMJn 1/4 1880Ann BAMFORD; 7b 987Bakewell RegSC
943BLACKWELL, SamuelDSp 1/4 1882aged 0; 7b 419Bakewell RegSC
944BLACKWELL, SamuelDMr 1/4 1886aged 90; 7b 510Bakewell RegSC
945BLACKWELL, SamuelDMr 1/4 1909aged 54; 7b 557Bakewell RegSC
946BLACKWALL, Sarah (d.1666)C24 Jun 1649d. Edward/Alice BLACKWALLEyamPR
947BLACKWALL, Sarah (b.1649)S13 Aug 1666of Bretton: plague victimEyamPR
948BLACKWELL, SarahC25 Aug 1680d. Richard BLACKWELL/WirksworthJP
949BLACKWALL, SarahC15 Mar 1684/5Ricid. BLACKWALL/Gt.LongstoneIG
950BLACKWELL, SaraM17 Apr 1700Georgius GARLICK; de Mag:LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
951BLACKWELL, SarahC17 Aug 1711d. Daniel BLACKWELL/; MiddletonWirksworthJP
952BLACKOE, SaraM26 Apr 1713John Barber or BARKER; (both) HopeHopeTR
953BLACKWALL, SarahC11 Feb 1717/8Robert BLACKWALL/WhittingtonIG
954BLACKWELL, SarahM01 Sep 1730Jonathan HALLDarley DaleIG
955BLACKWELL, Sarah (of Eyam)M08 Feb 1730/1William OULDFIELD; o.t.p.HopeTR
956BLACKWELL, SarahC14 Oct 1734d. Davenport BLACKWELL/; of Gt LongstoneGt.LongstoneBT
957BLACKWELL, SarahS21 Oct 1734d. Davenport BLACKWELL/; of Gt LongstoneGt.LongstoneBT
958BLACKWELL, Sarah (of Wirksworth)M22 Aug 1737Jacob MACKENTEyamPR
959BLAKWELL, SarahC25 Apr 1749John BLAKWELL/TaddingtonIG
960BLACKWELL, Sarah (m.1777)C07 Oct 1751d. Saml/Hannah BLACKWELLEyamPR
961BLACKWALL, SarahC11 Apr 1755Robert BLACKWALL/MaryWhittingtonIG
962BLACKWALL, SarahM24 Oct 1758Thomas SWIFTMatlockIG
963BLACKWALL, SarahC05 Sep 1768John BLACKWALL/AshfordIG
964BLACKWELL, Sarah (née Swindel)S14 Sep 1776widow Great Hucklow; (w. Adam?)TideswellPR
965BLACKWELL, SarahC24 Jan 1777Samuel BLACKWELL/WirksworthIG
966BLACKWELL, Sarah (o.t.p. Eyam)M11 Nov 1777Isaac ROOBOTHEM; HathersageEyamPR
967BLACKWALL, SarahC07 May 1787Robert BLACKWALL/CatharineWirksworthIG
968BLACKWALL, SarahM28 Feb 1793Benjamin STANDALLWirksworthIG
969BLACKWELL, SarahC26 Oct 1794Ralph BLACKWELL/HannahMatlockIG
970BLACKWELL, SarahM05 Feb 1798Samuel BLACKWELLMatlockIG
971BLACKWELL, Sarah (m.1828)C11 Oct 1806Isaac BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
972BLACKWELL, Sarah (née Frith)S20 May 1810aged 54EyamPR
973BLACKWELL, Sarah (d.1819)C27 Jan 1811James BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
974BLACKWELL, SarahM02 Feb 1813Richard HILLPeak ForestIG
975BLACKWELL, SarahM20 Mar 1816Charles PICKERINGBakewellIG
976BLACKWELL, SarahC14 Apr 1816Robert BLACKWELL/MarthaBakewellIG
977BLACKWELL, SarahC08 Mar 1819Robert BLACKWELL/NancyEyamIG
978BLACKWELL, SarahC07 Nov 1819Joshua BLACKWELL/HannahAshfordIG
979BLACKWELL, Sarah (b.1811)S29 Dec 1819of Hanging Flat; aged 9EyamPR
980BLACKWELL, SarahM02 Oct 1820Charles HOLMESWinsterIG
981BLACKWALL, SarahC11 Nov 1821Samuel BLACKWALL/DorothyCromfordIG
982BLACKWELL, SarahC11 Aug 1822Richard BLACKWELL/MarthaSheldonIG
983BLACKWELL, Sarah (o.t.p. Eyam)M23 Nov 1828John HANCOCK; ba.o.t.p.HopeTR
984BLACKWELL, SarahC04 Sep 1831Francis BLACKWELL/AnnTideswellIG
985BLACKWELL, SarahC12 Sep 1834Samuel BLACKWELL/AnnEyamIG
986BLACKWELL, SarahM27 Aug 1839Anthony HANCOCKBuxtonIG
987BLACKWALL, Sarah AnnC31 May 1846Joseph BLACKWALL/MaryWinsterIG
988BLACKWALL, Sarah AnnC01 May 1859James BLACKWALL/EstherTideswellIG
989BLACKWELL, Sarah JaneC21 Feb 1847Joshua Gregory BLACKWELL/Hannah BaileyEyamIG
990BLACKWELL, SophiaC15 Nov 1835George BLACKWELL/ElizabethMatlockIG
991BLACKWALL, ThomasM07 Aug 1594Margaret WODDARDKirk IretonIG
992BLACKWALL, ThomasM   Bef 1609Ellen CHALLONER; of BoylstonKirk Ireton ?DB
993BLACKWALL, ThomasS18 Mar 1624/5Kirk IretonCB
994BLACKWALL, ThomasC28 Oct 1627sonne John BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonCB
995BLACKER, ThomasS28 Jul 1635s. Edward BLACKER/EyamPR
996BLACKWALL, ThomasP04 Jul 1637of Taddington: Ad.TaddingtonWC
997BLACKWALL, ThomasC19 Jan 1639/40filius Thomae BLACKWALL/; de Magna LongsdonGt.LongstonePR/GT
998BLACKWALL, ThomasC28 Mar 1667John BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
999BLACKWALL, ThomasC25 Jan 1673/4Richard BLACKWALL/AnneTaddingtonIG
1000BLACKOE, ThomasC30 Oct 1674s. Francis/Jane BLACKOEEyamPR
1001BLACKWELL, Tho:C16 Jun 1689fs Richardi BLACKWELL/; de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
1002BLACKWELL, ThomasS05 Jun 1691de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
1003BLACKWALL, ThomasC27 Jun 1691Robert BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
1004BLACKWALL, ThomasC15 May 1692fs Georgi BLACKWALL/; de Hucklow magnaTideswellPR
1005BLACKWELL, ThomasC14 Oct 1718Thomas BLACKWELL/OlliveAshfordIG
1006BLACKWALL, ThoC13 Apr 1721Willm BLACKWALL/MaryKirk IretonIG
1007BLACKWELL, ThomasC05 May 1723s. Thomas BLACKWELL/; of AshfordGt.LongstoneBT
1008BLACKWELL, Thomas (d.1749)C21 Jul 1724s. John BLACKWELL/; of Great Hucklow HPTideswellPR
1009BLACKWELL, ThomasM01 Jan 1734/5Elizabeth CHARLESWORTHDarley DaleIG
1010BLACKWELL, Thos (d.1737)C07 Mar 1734/5s. Saml/Alice BLACKWELLEyamPR
1011BLACKWELL, Thos (b.1734)S30 Jun 1737s. Saml/Alice BLACKWELL; de EyamEyamPR
1012BLACKWALL, ThomasM12 Jul 1744Ann HAWLEYDarley DaleIG
1013BLACKWALL, Thos (b.1724)S07 Aug 1749s. John BLACKWALL/; Gt HucklowHopeTR
1014BLACKWELL, ThomasC11 Apr 1751s. Robert/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
1015BLACKWELL, ThomasS08 Jan 1753s. George BLACKWELL/; of Wind millTideswellPR
1016BLACKWALL, ThomasM05 Jun 1755Sarah MELLORKirk IretonIG
1017BLACKWALL, ThomasC09 Jan 1756John BLACKWALL/AshfordIG
1018BLACKWALL, ThomasC06 Oct 1759John BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
1019BLACKWALL, ThomasC11 Jan 1761Jno. BLACKWALL/MatlockIG
1020BLACKWELL, ThomasC01 Aug 1762George BLACKWELL/ElizabethAshfordIG
1021BLACKALL, ThomasC15 Mar 1767s. William/Elizabeth BLACKALLHopeTR
1022BLACKWELL, ThomasC10 Apr 1772s. Jno/Martha BLACKWELL; of EyamEyamPR
1023BLACKWELL, Thos (d.1796)C01 Jan 1776s. Robt/Ruth BLACKWELLEyamPR
1024BLACKWELL, ThomasM22 Apr 1776Elizabeth GREGORYDarley DaleIG
1025BLACKWELL, ThomasM02 Feb 1783Mary SKIDMOREBeeleyIG
1026BLACKWALL, ThosC07 Jun 1792Thos BLACKWALL/MaryKirk IretonIG
1027BLACKWELL, ThmasM11 Jun 1792Hannah LEEYSMatlockIG
1028BLACKWELL, Thomas (b.1776)S09 Aug 1796N.O.D.EyamPR
1029BLACKWELL, Thomas (d.1799)C18 Feb 1798Samuel BLACKWELL/HannahEyamIG
1030BLACKWALL, ThomasM20 Feb 1798Susannah BARBERHopeIG
1031BLACKWELL, Thomas (b.1798)S05 Jan 1799aged 1EyamPR
1032BLACKWELL, Thomas (d.1809)C09 Oct 1808Robert BLACKWELL/NancyEyamIG
1033BLACKWELL, Thomas (b.1808)S19 Apr 1809aged 6moEyamPR
1034BLACKWALL, ThomasC11 Jan 1827Robert Eaton BLACKWALL/MariaWirksworthIG
1035BLACKWELL, ThomasC10 Jun 1827John BLACKWELL/FrancesBakewellIG
1036BLACKWELL, ThomasC09 Jun 1837Samuel BLACKWELL/JaneEyamIG
1037BLACKWELL, Thomas (m.1878)C25 Jan 1857James BLACKWELL/Martha AnnEyamIG
1038BLACKWELL, Thomas (sg:o.f.a.Eyam:Cordwainer)M10 Jun 1878Sarah Ann GODDARD; sg:sp.o.f.a. of St.MiddletonSt.MiddletonPR
1039BLACKWALL, William (of Kirk Ireton)M   Bef 1613- MASON; of HognastonKirk Ireton?DB
1040BLACKWALL, WilliamM03 Jul 1645Margreat COUGHENWirksworthJP
1041BLACKWALL, WilliamC14 Dec 1645ye sonn Thomas BLACKWALL/Gt.LongstonePR/GT
1042BLACKWALL, WilliamM13 Feb 1660/1Anne SPENCERKirk IretonIG
1043BLAKEWELL, WilliamS16 Feb 1673/4[ BLAKEWELL]; WirksworthWirksworthJP
1044BLACKOE, William (d.1697)C16 Apr 1676s. Francis/Jane BLACKOEEyamPR
1045BLACKWALL, WilliamC28 Aug 1679s. Henry BLACKWALL/; WirkesworthWirksworthJP
1046BLACKWALL, Gulielmus (d.1695)C09 Jun 1680fs Georgio BLACKWALL/; de Hucloe majorTideswellPR
1047BLACKWALL, WilliamM03 Feb 1682/3Jane MELLORChelmortonIG
1048BLACKWALL, WilliamC17 May 1685s. Henry BLACKWALL/WirksworthJP
1049BLACKWALL, WilliamC27 May 1689Robert BLACKWALL/Kirk IretonIG
1050BLACKWELL, William (d.1694)C04 Jun 1693s. Humphrey/Helen BLACKWELL; of BradwallHopeTR
1051BLACKWALL, Gulielmus (of Winster)M   Jul 1694Elizabeth INGMAN; de BaslowBaslowPR
1052BLACKWELL, William (b.1693)S25 Aug 1694s. Humphrey BLACKWELL/; of BradwallHopeTR
1053BLACKWALL, Willielm (b.1680)S22 Oct 1695fs Georgi BLACKWALL/; de Hucklow magnaTideswellPR
1054BLACKOW, William (b.1676)S22 Jul 1697s. Francis/Jane BLACKOWEyamPR
1055BLACKWALL, WilliamS05 Sep 1697 BLACKWALL; WorksworthWirksworthJP
1056BLACKWELL, WilliamC25 Apr 1704George BLACKWELL/BarlowIG
1057BLACKWALL, GulielmC17 Aug 1710Thomae BLACKWALL/AshfordIG
1058BLACKWELL, WilliamC       1721s. John/Anna BLACKWELLHopeTR
1059BLACKWALL, WilliamC27 Apr 1729Thomas BLACKWALL/SarahAshfordIG
1060BLACKWELL, WilliamM28 Dec 1731Elizabeth ANDREWAshfordIG
1061BLAKEWELL, WilliamM01 Jan 1731/2Ann BARKEWinsterIG
1062BLACKWALL, William (d.1734)C29 Jun 1733s. George BLACKWALL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
1063BLACKWALL, William (b.1733)S19 May 1734s. George BLACKWALL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
1064BLACKWELL, William (d.1737)C30 Jun 1735s. Adam BLACKWELL/; of great HucklowTideswellPR
1065BLACKWELL, WilliamS20 Oct 1735of LittonTideswellPR
1066BLACKWELL, William (b.1735)S05 Feb 1737/8s. Adam BLACKWELL/; of Great HucklowTideswellPR
1067BLACKWELL, William (m.1769)C01 Mar 1740/1s. Adam BLACKWELL/; of Great HucklowTideswellPR
1068BLACKWELL, WilliamC26 Mar 1741s. George BLACKWELL/; of WindmilnTideswellPR
1069BLACKWALL, WilliamC01 Dec 1751John BLACKWALL/AshfordIG
1070BLACKWELL, WilliamM19 May 1752Anne BENNETT; both of TideswellTideswellPR
1071BLACKWALL, WillmS17 Jan 1757s. Ralph BLACKWALL/; WindmillHopeTR
1072BLACKWELL, William (?m.1784)C23 Nov 1758s. Robert/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
1073BLACKWELL, WilliamM27 Jan 1761Mary HALLWinsterIG
1074BLACKWELL, WilliamW03 Sep 1767/?James DRABBLE/Isabel BLACKWELLHopeTR
1075BLACKWELL, William (b.1740)M13 Mar 1769Elizabeth HODGKINSONTideswellIG
1076BLACKWELL, William (d.1775)C08 Jul 1770s. William/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
1077BLACKWELL, William (d.1774)C23 Feb 1773s. Joshua/Mary BLACKWELLHopeTR
1078BLACKWELL, William (b.1773)S05 Apr 1774?s. Joshua/Mary BLACKWELLHopeTR
1079BLACKWELL, William (b.1770)S02 Dec 1775s. William/Elizabeth BLACKWELLHopeTR
1080BLACKWELL, William (of Staveley)M17 Apr 1781Elizabeth MILNESDronfieldPH
1081BLACKWELL, William (?b.1758)M17 Feb 1784Hannah FOXHopeIG
1082BLACKWELL, William (o.t.p. Eyam)M26 Dec 1796Charlotte VICKERS; o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
1083BLACKWELL, William (b.1721)S29 Jun 1799of DouceHopeTR
1084BLACKWELL, WilliamM25 Jul 1803Martha LOMASTideswellIG
1085BLACKWELL, William (d.1828)C15 Feb 1808James BLACKWELL/MaryEyamIG
1086BLACKWELL, William (b.1740)S21 Sep 1811David BLACKWELL's papersHopeIG
1087BLACKWELL, WilliamM06 Jul 1812Martha SELLERS; N.O.D.EyamPR
1088BLACKWELL, WilliamC20 Feb 1814Robert BLACKWELL/MarthaBakewellIG
1089BLACKWELL, WilliamC01 Mar 1827Frans. BLACKWELL/AnnTideswellIG
1090BLACKWELL, William (b.1808)S17 Mar 1828of Hanging Flat; aged 20EyamPR
1091BLACKWELL, WilliamC10 Sep 1829Samuel BLACKWELL/AnnEyamIG
1092BLACKWELL, WilliamC30 Jul 1836/Anne BLACKWELLBakewellIG
1093BLACKWELL, WilliamC07 Jul 1839William BLACKWELL/SarahWirksworthIG
1094BLACKWELL, WilliamC08 Jan 1843John BLACKWELL/HannahBakewellIG
1095BLACKWELL, William (sg:a.40:ba.Brass Stamper)M22 Jan 1922Elsie HANCOCK; sg:a.38: sp. of Stoney M.St.MiddletonPR

Key to Events
A - Adult Baptism B - Birth C - Christening D - Death I - Inquest
L - Banns M - Marriage N - Census Event P - Probate Record S - Burial ('Sepult')
T - Trade Directory W - Marriage Witness (NOT Will!) X - Miscellaneous: Churchwardens, &c.

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