Apprenticeship Indenture of Edward Outram (1729-1804)
ABOUT THIS PAGE:This is a transcription from an original document, which was very kindly loaned to me by a lady from Nottingham via snailmail in 1987. The Indenture had been passed down within her family, although it isn't clear why, as we have been unable to establish a blood relationship between her ancestor Isaac OUTRAM, born c.1739, of unknown parents, and Edward himself, who the Indenture states was son of Thomas “Outrim” of Goldcliff. There is an appropriate baptism, of Edward son of Thomas and Alice Outram ldquo;of Goltcliff, Hope” at Eyam, DBY on 28th September 1729, so it is possible they were brothers, but by no means certain.
Edward married (1) Sarah FELSTEAD at Chelmorton, DBY, on 2nd July 1752. Their family were baptised at Dronfield; Sarah was buried at Dronfield , 25 October 1778, following which Edward married (2) Hannah COLLIS at Dronfield, DBY, on 24 September 1792. He died in Dronfield, DBY, 15th February 1804; and the Will of Edward OWTRAM of Dronfied, Butcher was proved at Lichfield 21st February 1804.
Several generations of Edward's ancestors and descendants are included in my OUTRAM database. Edward was my great*4 uncle.
This indenture Witnesseth, That Edward Outrim Son of Thomas Outrim of Goldcliff in the Parish of Hope in the County of Derby doth put himself Apprentice to Peter Flint of Money Ash in the Parish of Bakewell in the said County of Derby Butcher - - - - - to learn his Art, and with him after the manner of an Apprentice to serve from the Third Day of April in the Year of our Lord 174(5) unto the full End and Term of seven Years from thence next Ensuing, and fully to be completed and ended, during which Term the said Apprentice his Master faithfully shall or will serve, his Secrets keep, his lawful Commands every where gladly do; he shall do no Damage to his said Master nor see it be done of others, but to his Power shall let or forthwith give Notice to his said Master of the same. The Goods of his said Master he shall not waste, nor the same without Licence of him to any give or lend. Hurt to his said Master he shall not do, cause or procure to be done; he shall neither buy nor sell without his Master's Licence, Taverns, Inns, or Alehouses he shall not haunt. At Cards, Dice, Tables, or any other unlawful Game he shall not play whereby his said Master may receive Damage thereby - nor from the Service of his said Master Day nor Night absent himself, but in all things as honest and faithful Apprentice shall and will demean and behave himself towards his said Master, and all his during all the said Term, And the said Peter Flint for his part shall keep a Servant Lad during, the said Term the said Edward Outrim - - - - - - his said Apprentice in the Art of a Butcher which he now useth shall teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, the best Way and Manner that he can, finding and allowing unto his said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, - -- Washing, Lodging other Necessaries during the said Term - - - - - - - - - - --- And for the true Performance of all and every the Covenants and Agreements aforesaid, either of the said Parties bindeth himself firmly by these Presents. In Witness whereof the Parties aforesaid to these Indentures interchangeably have set their Hands and Seal the Thirtieth Day of December in the 29d. Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the 2d. by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord 1749 - - - - - - -Sealed and deliver'd being first duely stampt in ye prence of
N.B. What Money or other Thing is given or contracted for with the Appentice must be inserted in Words at length, and the Duty paid within the Time limited to the Stamp-Office, else the In- denture will be void, the Master forfeit Fifty Pounds, and another penalty, and the Apprentice will be disabled to follow the Trade or be made Free, and so forth. Note, The Office is No. 8 in Lincoln's Inn New Square, London; and the Office Hours are from Nine to Twelve in the Morning, and from Two to Five in the Afternoon, Holidays excepted. Peter Flint (sig.)
Jonas Fox (sig)
William Sheldon (sig)