Family History Research in Scotland
Some Records of LOCKIE from Selkirk and surrounds (1596-1917)

Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie and others © 1989 and onwards.
Other Forenames:
Jane to Margaret
Jane to Margaret
Please see About this Information for what this collection contains.

Forenames Martha to Wilhelmina

# Surname / Forenames Event / Date Related To / Remarks Parish / Source
932LOCKIE, MarthaB09 Oct 1852James LOCKIE/Agnet WightSt CuthbertsIG/97
933LOCKIE, MarieC17 Apr 1655Alexander LOCKIE/Catharine JamesoneEdinburghIG/97
934LOCKIE, MarionC24 Sep 1665John LOCKIE/Joan WrightEdinburghIG/93
935LOCKIE, MaryM10 Feb 1682/3Patrik CARFRAEEdinburghIG/93
936LOCKY, MarionC19 Nov 1699Alexander LOCKY/EarlstonIG/97
937LOCKIE, MaryC13 Jun 1705Thomas LOCKIE/Mary TodSt CuthbertsIG/97
938LOCKIE, MarionC01 Apr 1716John LOCKIE/Marion KedderLivingstonIG/97
939LOCKIE, MarionC12 Jul 1724David LOCKIE/Anna MontiethInvereskIG/93
940LOCKIE, MaryM05 Nov 1728James LOCKIESmailholmIG/93
941LOCKIE, MaryM05 Nov 1728James LOCKIESmailholmIG/93
942LOCKIE, MarionM24 May 1729John HUNTERGordonIG/93
943LOCKIE, MarrionM13 Jun 1729John HUNTERLegerwoodIG/93
944LOCKY, MarrionC10 Oct 1731James LOCKY/CaversIG/97
945LOCKIE, MaryC21 Apr 1734John LOCKIE/Sarah AichisonMakerstonIG/97
946LOCKIE, MaryC14 Jul 1746Andrew LOCKIE/JedburghIG/97
947LOCKIE, MaryB   Abt 1747Robert Dickson/KelsoIG/97
948LOCKIE, MaryC24 Apr 1748William LOCKIE/Mary DicksonEdnamIG/97
949LOKIE, MaryC19 Sep 1752John LOKIE/Violet LaidleyAshkirkIG/97
950LOCKY, MaryC26 Aug 1758John LOCKY/HuttonIG/97
951LOCKIE, MaryM16 Jun 1762Thomas THOMSONMaxtonIG/93
952LOCKIE, MaryB07 Nov 1765William LOCKIE/Mary CampbellKelsoIG/97
953LOCKIE, MaryC10 Nov 1765William LOCKIE/Mary CampbellKelsoIG/97
954LOCKIE, MarionB27 Feb 1768John LOCKIE/Jean BruceKelsoIG/97
955LOCKIE, MarionC07 Mar 1768John LOCKIE/Jane BruceKelsoIG/97
956LOCKIE, MaryM29 Jan 1769Robert DICKSONKelsoIG/93
957LOCKIE, MaryM06 Jun 1773Andrew MURRAYKelsoIG/93
958LOCKIE, MaryC03 Jul 1774George LOCKIE/Marrion RobsonMaxtonIG/97
959LOCKIE, MaryC20 Apr 1783Alexander LOCKIE/HuttonIG/97
960LOCKIE, MaryB23 Feb 1784Andrew LOCKIE/Elizabeth BruceKelsoIG/97
961LOCKIE, MaryC15 Aug 1793John LOCKIE/Janet SlighFouldenIG/97
962LOCKIE, MaryC29 Jun 1817George LOCKIE/Margaret FiddesMaxtonIG/97
963LOCKIE, MaryC02 Mar 1828David LOCKIE/Robina HillEcclesmachanIG/97
964LOCKIE, MaryB22 Jan 1830John LOCKIE/Mary BuckhamMintoIG/97
965LOCHIE, MaryM   Aug 1834John Sinclair MCDOUGALLColdstreamIG/93
966LOCKIE, MaryM04 Dec 1849Thomas MCGREGORLinlithgowIG/93
967LOCKIE, MaryB02 Jan 1856Peter LOCKIE/Jane RentonHuttonIG/93
968LOCKIE, MarionB27 Dec 1861John LOCKIE/Janet BrownWest LintonIG/93
969LOCKIE, MariaB03 Nov 1862Robert LOCKIE/Isabella BrownMelroseIG/93
970LOCKIE, MaryM01 Jun 1866Andrew PEASLEYLinlithgowIG/93
971LOCKIE, MaryB25 Jul 1867Robert LOCKIE/Isabella InglesHuttonIG/93
972LOCKIE, Mary AnnB07 Nov 1827John LOCKIE/Isobel RobertsonGreenlawIG/93
973LOCKIE, MarrionC22 May 1835John LOCKIE/Janet GrieveEtterickIG
974LUCKIE, Mary AnnM17 Jun 1844James YOUNGSt CuthbertsIG/93
975LOCKIE, Mary AnnB04 Dec 1864Alexander LOCKIE/Mary StuartGordonIG/93
976LOCKIE, Mary AnnB06 Feb 1870John LOCKIE/Margaret SmithJedburghIG/93
977LOCKIE, Mary BuckhamB13 Feb 1865Thomas LOCKIE/Elisabeth Mable OliverMelroseIG/93
978LOCKIE, Mary EastonB30 Apr 1868George LOCKIE/Margaret ScottHawickIG/93
979LOCKIE, Mary JaneB24 Apr 1868John LOCKIE/Mary WeatherstoneGreenlawIG/93
980LOCKIE, Mary JaneB17 Feb 1872Alexander LOCKIE/Catherine DoddsInnerleithenIG/93
981LOCKIE, Mary YuleB25 Sep 1867/Jessie LOCKIEEdinburghIG/93
982LOCKIE, NickolasC20 Feb 1726/7David LOCKIE/Anna Montieth; apparently femaleInvereskIG/93
983LOCKIE, OliverC19 Oct 1740Robert LOCKIE/Jean DrummondInvereskIG/93
984LOCKIE, PeterC30 Apr 1815William LOCKIE/Hannah LaingSmailholmIG/97
985LOCKIE, PeterM25 Dec 1853Jane RENTONHuttonIG/93
986LOCKIE, PeterB13 Mar 1854George LOCKIE/Margaret YoungAshkirkIG/97
987LOCKIE, PeterM01 Dec 1865Margaret HENDERSONEarlstonIG/93
988LOCKIE, PeterM13 Dec 1867Elisabeth FORTUNEYesterIG/93
989LOCKIE, PeterB03 May 1869David LOCKIE/Jane MillarGreenlawIG/93
990LOCKY, RachelC13 Feb 1769William LOCKY/Janet LaidlawWiltonIG/97
991LOCKIE, RachelM24 Jun 1826Archibald NAIRNEMid CalderIG/93
992LOCKIE, RachelM14 Jul 1826Archibald NAIRNESt CuthbertsIG/93
993ROBERTSON/LOCKIE [LOCKIE], Richard (b.17Dec1814, p.389)C15 Jan 1815s. James ROBERTSON/Jean LOCKIE; in BlainslieMelroseTR/VD
994LOKIES, RobertC13 May 1661John LOKIES/LivingstonIG/97
995LOCKIE, RobertC14 Sep 1712James LOCKIE/Alison YoungInvereskIG/93
996LOCKIE, RobertC08 May 1720John LOCKIE/Jean ScottRoxburghIG/97
997LOCKIE, RobertC13 Apr 1732James LOCKIE/Agnes MathuInvereskIG/93
998LOCKIE, RobertM03 Apr 1745Isabel INGLISKelsoIG/93
999LOCKIE, RobertM   Abt 1759Helen ROBSONKelsoIG/97
1000LOCKY, RobertM24 Jun 1760MACKHuttonIG/93
1001LOCKIE, RobertC15 Aug 1762Robert LOCKIE/Isabel MarshallSt CuthbertsIG/93
1002LOCKIE, RobertM   Jan 1795Helen ROBSONKelsoIG/93
1003LOCKIE, RobertM01 Jun 1799Betty WILSONKelsoIG/93
1004LOCKIE, RobertM14 Jun 1799Elisabeth WILSONKelsoIG/93
1005LOCKIE, RobertM30 Jul 1810Janet MATHESONDunbarIG/93
1006LOCKIE, RobertM27 Sep 1816Margaret GIBSONKelsoIG/93
1007LOCKY, RobertC21 Jan 1819William LOCKY/Margaret Cavers; Mason at Caivers Greenbank HaughRobertonIG
1008LOCKIE, RobertM21 Dec 1823Isabel FOURBAINLegerwoodIG/93
1009LOCKIE, RobertM24 Dec 1823Isabel FAIRBAIRNLegerwoodIG/93
1010LOCIE, RobertM28 Mar 1830Jean GLENLinlithgowIG/93
1011LOCKIE, RobertB11 May 1831Georgie LOCKIE/Janet TaitInnerleithenIG/93
1012LOCKIE, RobertM28 Apr 1848Isabella BROWNMelroseIG/93
1013LOCKIE, RobertM24 Oct 1856Isabella INGLISFouldenIG/93
1014LOCKIE, RobertB11 Sep 1861William LOCKIE/Hannah HardieMelroseIG/93
1015LUCKIE, RobertB24 Nov 1865/Isabella LUCKIE or BarkerLeithIG/93
1016LOCKIE, RobertB02 Jun 1869Thomas LOCKIE/Elizabeth Mabel OliverMelroseIG/93
1017LOCKIE, RobertB10 Jan 1873Robert LOCKIE/Isabella BrownMelroseIG/93
1018LOCKIE, Robert HaigM12 Dec 1837Magdalene SMARTSt CuthbertsIG/93
1019LOCKIE, Robert Henderson LC09 Jan 1844(no parents listed)AshkirkIG/97
1020LOCKIE, Robert WelshB06 Jan 1869John LOCKIE/Georgina Hay WelshLeithIG/93
1021LOCKIE, SamuelC17 May 1719James LOCKIE/Elizabeth GilchristInvereskIG/93
1022LOCKIE, Samuel (from Maxton parish)M02 Nov 1806Jean BURNETYarrowIG
1023LOCKIE, SamuelM02 Nov 1806Jean BURNETYarrowIG/93
1024LOCKIE, SamuelM14 Nov 1806Jean BURNETMaxtonIG/93
1025LOCKIE, SaraC16 Jun 1636John LOCKIE/Beatrix WilsoneCanongateIG/97
1026LOCKIE, SarahC05 Aug 1753Andrew LOCKIE/JedburghIG/97
1027LOCKIE, SarahC04 Sep 1768George LOCKIE/Euphan RobsonMaxtonIG/97
1028LOCKIE, SarahB   Abt 1776/Richard A. BallantyneKelsoIG/97
1029LOCKIE, SallyC15 Feb 1796John LOCKIE/Mary DixonHownamIG/97
1030LOCKIE, SarahB12 Mar 1802Andrew LOCKIE/Jean HomeKelsoIG/97
1031LOCKIE, SarahC11 Nov 1808John LOCKIE/Margaret WatherstonHuttonIG/97
1032LOCKIE, SarahM15 Jun 1830William MCCHEYNEKelsoIG/97
1033LOCKIE, SarahM15 Jun 1830William MACCHEYNEKelsoIG/93
1034LOCKIE, SarahM25 Jun 1830George BROWNHuttonIG/93
1035LOCKIE, SarahM31 Dec 1874A. HASTIEEdinburghIG/93
1036LOCKEY, Sarah AnneB24 Apr 1866John LOCKEY/Anne BrighamHawickIG/93
1037LOCKIE, SivellsC08 Jul 1735David LOCKIE/Anna MontiethInvereskIG/93
1038LUCKIE, SteuartM25 Jan 1856Margret FERRIERLeithIG/93
1039LOCKIE, ThomasM10 Jun 1687Margaret WAUGHRobertonIG
1040LOCKIE, ThomasM10 Jun 1687Margaret WAUGHRobertonIG/93
1041LOCKIE, ThomasC25 Dec 1705Alexander LOCKIE/SmailholmIG/97
1042LOCKIE, ThomasM08 Feb 1705/6Elizabeth FEIRGRIEVESaint BoswellsIG/93
1043LOCKIE, ThomasM10 Jul 1706Hellen WHYTESmailholmIG/93
1044LOCKIE, ThomasC16 Feb 1707/8James LOCKIE/West CalderIG/97
1045LOCKIE, ThomasM01 Jul 1709Helen VETCHAshkirkIG/93
1046LOCKIE, ThomasC21 Mar 1714/5Thomas LOCKIE/SmailholmIG/97
1047LOCKIE, ThomasM02 Jun 1723(no spouse LISTED)MakerstonIG/93
1048LOCKIE, ThomasM04 Jun 1728Issobel SCOTTJedburghIG/93
1049LOCKIE, ThomasC04 Oct 1738Robert LOCKIE/Jean DrummondInvereskIG/93
1050LOCKIE, ThomasC18 Mar 1745/6Andrew LOCKIE/Bettie BlackRoxburghIG/97
1051LOCKIE, ThomasC24 Apr 1763Thomas LOCKIE/Margaret WilsonWest CalderIG/97
1052LOCKIE, ThomasC01 Nov 1769Alexander LOCKIE/Isabel ThomsonHawickIG/97
1053LOCKIE, ThomasM17 Jan 1796Elizabeth HARTWiltonIG/93
1054LOCKY, ThomasM24 Jan 1796Elizabeth MARTINWiltonIG/93
1055LOCKY, ThomasC01 Jun 1811William LOCKY/Margaret Cavers; Mason at Caivers Greenbank HaughRobertonIG
1056LOCKIE, ThomasM21 Dec 1813Isobell THORBURNSt CuthbertsIG/93
1057LOCKIE, ThomasM13 Mar 1824Mary MCWHEYTraquairIG/93
1058LOCKIE, ThomasB24 Jan 1832John LOCKIE/Mary BuckhamMintoIG/97
1059LOCKIE, ThomasM25 Mar 1836Margaret HAYRobertonIG/93
1060LOCKIE, ThomasM25 Mar 1836Margaret HAYRobertonIG
1061LOCKIE, ThomasM27 May 1838Cathrine FREIRTraquairIG/93
1062LOCKIE, ThomasM01 Jun 1838Catharine FRIERPeeblesIG/93
1063LOCKIE, ThomasM   Dec 1845Margaret SOMMERVILLESkirlingIG/93
1064LOCKIE, ThomasM20 Jul 1851Jessie MACLEODEdinburghIG/93
1065LOCKIE, ThomasM21 Jul 1851Jessie MC_LEODEdinburghIG/93
1066LOCKIE, ThomasM12 Dec 1851Mary LOTHIANStitchelIG/93
1067LOCKIE, ThomasM14 Jun 1853Barbara LOCKIEBathgateIG/93
1068LOCKIE, ThomasM14 Jun 1853Barbara LOCKIEBathgateIG/93
1069LOCKIE, ThomasB31 Mar 1855Thomas LOCKIE/Mary LothianGordonIG/93
1070LOCKIE, ThomasM27 Mar 1857Elesbeth CARLAWEdinburghIG/93
1071LOCKIE, ThomasM05 Nov 1858Elisabeth Mable OLIVERMorebattleIG/93
1072LOCKIE, ThomasB08 Jul 1859Alexander LOCKIE/Margaret TodDrumelzierIG/93
1073LOCKIE, ThomasM14 Sep 1859Jane BRODIEGordonIG/93
1074LOCKIE, ThomasB04 Jan 1860William LOCKIE/Dorathy RobsonWiltonIG/93
1075LOCKIE, ThomasB28 Aug 1866Hugh LOCKIE/Helen FairbairnSelkirkIG/93
1076LOCKIE, ThomasB13 Dec 1866Thomas LOCKIE/Isabel Mabel OliverMelroseIG/93
1077LOCKIE, ThomasB27 Jun 1868/Georgina LOCKIEKirkhopeIG/93
1078LOCKIE, ThomasM23 Sep 1870Jessie SNEDDONEdinburghIG/93
1079LOCKIE, ThomasM04 Dec 1874Jane MCDOUGALColdstreamIG/93
1080LOCKIE, Thomas BrownB18 Feb 1873David Brown LOCKIE/Elizabeth Kay BrownSpottIG/93
1081LUKEY, Thomas HumeB04 Jan 1861James LUKEY/Margaret LeaskLeithIG/93
1082LOCKIE, Thomas ScotlandB18 Sep 1861Thomas LOCKIE/Elizabeth CarlawBo'nessIG/93
1083LOCKIE, Thomas ScotlandB28 Dec 1865Thomas Scotland LOCKIE/Elizabeth CarlawBo'nessIG/93
1084LOCKIE, Thomas ScotlandB06 Oct 1872Thomas Scotland LOCKIE/Jane StoddartLeithIG/93
1085LOCKIE, Veronica Isabella WC12 May 1854John LOCKIE/Georgina Hay WelshHuttonIG/97
1086LOCKIE, Veronica J. W.M25 Dec 1873A. RITCHIELeithIG/93
1087LOKIE, VioletC20 May 1759John LOKIE/Violet LaidleyAshkirkIG/97
1088LOCKIE, WalterC03 May 1767William LOCKIE/Jennet LaidlawWiltonIG/97
1089LOCKIE, WalterC24 Mar 1771Alexander LOCKIE/Alison CowtardSmailholmIG/97
1090LOCKIE, WalterC15 Jun 1795John LOCKIE/Jane StoddardWiltonIG/97
1091LOCKIE, WalterM23 Sep 1812Ann DUNNEdinburghIG/93
1092LOCKIE, WalterC04 Oct 1812William LOCKIE/Janet DicksonEcclesIG/93
1093LOCKIE, WalterM28 Oct 1821Allison DOBSONWiltonIG/97
1094LOCKIE, WalterM28 Oct 1821Alison DOBSONWiltonIG/93
1095LOCKIE, WalterM03 Dec 1836Elizabeth RICHARDSONGreenlawIG/93
1096LOCKIE, WalterM23 Dec 1836Elisabeth RICHARDSONEcclesIG/93
1097LOCKIE, WalterB16 Mar 1864George LOCKIE/Ann ArmstrongHawickIG/93
1098LOCKIE, WalterB04 Mar 1866Peter LOCKIE/Elizabeth DoddsSmailholmIG/93
1099LOCKIE, WalterM16 Mar 1866Elisabeth CHAPMANLegerwoodIG/93
1100LOCKIE, WalterB22 May 1866Walter LOCKIE/Elizabeth ChapmanLegerwoodIG/93
1101LOCKIE, WalterB21 Feb 1871Thomas LOCKIE/Elizabeth Mabel OliverMelroseIG/93
1102LOCKIE, WalterW24 Aug 1908William Edgar LOCKIE/Jemima ORRSelkirkXT
1103LOCKIE, Walter DouglasB26 Jun 1872Thomas LOCKIE/Elizabeth Mabil OliverMelroseIG/93
1104LOCKIE, WilliaminaC22 Aug 1736Thomas LOCKIE/JedburghIG/97
1105LOCKIE, WilliamM15 Jul 1629Janet SCOTTEdinburghIG/93
1106LOCKIE, WilliameM16 Feb 1643/4Elizabeth ELEISEdinburghIG/93
1107LOCKIE, WilliamM16 Nov 1666Agnes BINNLLEdinburghIG/93
1108LOCKIE, WilliamC20 Nov 1666Alexander LOCKIE/Isabel KennedyCanongateIG/93
1109LOCKIE, WilliamC20 Nov 1683John LOCKIE/Elspeth SinclairEdinburghIG/97
1110LOKIE, WilliamM16 Jan 1683/4Malles YOUNGRobertonIG/93
1111LOCKIE, WilliamM14 Jun 1701Isobell THOMSONJedburghIG/93
1112LOCKIE, WilliamC12 Apr 1702Andrew LOCKIE/Isobel Harvie; Tailour in MiddlesteadSelkirkIG
1113LOCKY, WilliamM14 Dec 1716(no spouse LISTED)CaversIG/93
1114LOCKIE, WilliamC25 Nov 1717James LOCKIE/Elizabeth GilchristInvereskIG/93
1115LOCKY, WilliamC26 Jan 1718/9William LOCKY/CaversIG/97
1116LOCKY, WilliamC02 Jan 1722/3John LOCKY/CaversIG/97
1117LOCKIE, WilliamC17 Oct 1725James LOCKIE/Helen RobsoneRoxburghIG/97
1118LOCKIE, WilliamM18 Sep 1729Isabel LOCKIEKelsoIG/93
1119LOCKIE, WilliamM18 Sep 1729Isabel LOCKIEKelsoIG/93
1120LOCKIE, WilliamC24 Mar 1734/5William LOCKIE/Agnes RaeMakerstonIG/93
1121LOCKIE, WilliamC24 Mar 1734/5William LOCKIE/Marion DicksonMertounIG/93
1122LOCKIE, WilliamM16 Dec 1735Janet LOCKIEJedburghIG/93
1123LOCKIE, WilliamM16 Dec 1735Janet LOCKIEJedburghIG/93
1124LOCKIE, WilliamC25 Feb 1739/40William LOCKIE/Janet RichardsonSmailholmIG/97
1125LOCKIE/NICOLSON, William (p.252)C25 May 1740s. Alexr. LOCKIE/Grissal NICOLSON; in MelroseMelroseTR/VD
1126LOCKIE, WilliamC25 May 1740Alexr. LOCKIE/Grissal NicolsonMelroseIG/93
1127LOCKEY, WilliamM22 Jun 1745Betty ELLIOTMintoIG/93
1128LOCKIE, WilliamC03 Sep 1749John LOCKIE/Mary NicolWiltonIG/97
1129LOCKIE, WilliamM24 Mar 1751/2Elspith STIRLINGSt CuthbertsIG/93
1130LOCKY, WilliamM22 Jun 1755Elizabeth DIXONCrailingIG/93
1131LOKIE, WilliamM09 Jul 1756Margaret HERIOTHumbieIG/93
1132LOCKIE, WilliamM25 Nov 1756Rachel GOWANSRobertonIG/93
1133LOCKIE, WilliamM25 Nov 1756Rachel GOWANSRobertonIG
1134LOCKIE, WilliamM30 Nov 1756Rachel GOWANSWiltonIG/93
1135LOCKIE, WilliamM28 Mar 1762Janet LAIDLAWSelkirkIG/93
1136LOCKIE, WilleamM28 May 1762Janet LADLAWSelkirkIG
1137LOCKIE, WilleamM28 May 1762Janet LADLAWSelkirkIG/93
1138LOCKIE, WilliamM12 Dec 1762Mary CAMPBELKelsoIG/93
1139LOCKIE, WilliamC29 Oct 1769Alexander LOCKIE/Helen BrackSmailholmIG/97
1140LOCKY, WilliamM   Apr 1777Jean PATERSONWiltonIG/93
1141LOCKIE, WilliamC07 Apr 1777Alexander LOCKIE/Isabel ThomsonHawickIG/97
1142LOCKIE, WilliamM12 Apr 1777Jane PATTERSONRobertonIG
1143LOCKIE, WilliamM12 Apr 1777Jane PATTERSONRobertonIG/93
1144LOCKY, WilliamM26 Oct 1783Jean RUTHERFORDAncrumIG/93
1145LOCKIE, WilliamM06 Nov 1783Jean RUTHERFOORDMertounIG/93
1146LOCKY, WilliamC30 Mar 1788Alexander LOCKY/Saint BoswellsIG/97
1147LOCKY, WilliamC15 Dec 1788William LOCKY/Jean PatersonWiltonIG/97
1148LOCKIE, WilliamC05 Apr 1789Alexander LOCKIE/Alison CowtardSmailholmIG/97
1149LOCKIE, WilliamM22 Oct 1791Mary CAMERONKelsoIG/93
1150LOCKY, WilliamC26 Jun 1792John LOCKY/Jane StoddardRobertonIG
1151LOCKY, WilliamC26 Jul 1792John LOCKY/Jane StoddartRobertonIG/93
1152LOCKIE, WilliamM27 Oct 1793Isobel TAITSmailholmIG/93
1153LOCKY, WilliamM20 Mar 1795Margaret CAVERSRobertonIG/93
1154LOCKY, WilliamM20 Mar 1795Margaret CAVERSRobertonIG
1155LOCKIE, WilliamM17 May 1805Rebecca RAEColintonIG/93
1156LOCKIE, WilliamM16 Oct 1808Isabel ANDERSONWiltonIG/93
1157LOCKIE, WilliamM11 Nov 1808Mary HORNColintonIG/93
1158LOCKIE, WilliamM07 Dec 1809Janet DICKSONGreenlawIG/93
1159LOCKIE, WilliamC02 Feb 1812William LOCKIE/Mary HornColintonIG/97
1160LOCKIE, WilliamM   Abt 1814Euphemia CROZIERSelkirkIG/97
1161LOCKIE, WilliamM01 Jan 1814Margaret BRODIETraquairIG/93
1162LOCKIE, William (Mason)M13 Jan 1814Margaret BRODIESelkirkIG
1163LOCKIE, WilliamM13 Jan 1814Margaret BRODIESelkirkIG/93
1164LOCKIE, WilliamB19 Jan 1814William LOCKIE/Isabel AndisonWiltonIG/97
1165LOCKIE, WilliamM04 Dec 1814Euphan CROZIERWiltonIG/93
1166LOCKIE, WilliamC31 Jan 1819William LOCKIE/Janet DicksonEcclesIG/93
1167LOCKIE, WilliamC25 Jun 1826William LOCKIE/Hannah LaingSmailholmIG/97
1168LOCKIE, WilliamM03 Feb 1833A._ ELLIOTTMaxtonIG/93
1169LOCKIE, WilliamC11 Mar 1839Thomas LOCKIE/Margaret HayRobertonIG
1170LOCKIE, WilliamM02 Mar 1840Helen TAITSt CuthbertsIG/93
1171LOCKIE, WilliamM10 Jul 1840Jane SINCLAIRKelsoIG/93
1172LOCKIE, WilliamM12 Sep 1841Helen LENNIETraquairIG/93
1173LOCKIE, WilliamM17 Sep 1841Helen LENNIEInnerleithenIG/93
1174LOCKIE, WilliamS21 Dec 1845grandson of William LOCKIE/; Labourer, Selkirk aged 4SelkirkPR
1175LOCKIE, WilliamS07 Jun 1847Labourer, Selkirk; aged 54SelkirkPR
1176LOCKIE, WilliamB01 May 1848George LOCKIE/Margaret YoungAshkirkIG/97
1177LOCKIE, WilliamB29 Jul 1848Robert LOCKIE/Isabella BrownMelroseIG/93
1178LOCKIE, WilliamM23 Jun 1850Grace BROWNWest LintonIG/93
1179LOCKIE, WilliamM28 Jun 1850Grace BROWNWest LintonIG/97
1180LOCKIE, WilliamB06 Nov 1853Thomas LOCKIE/Mary LothianStitchelIG/97
1181LOCKIE, WilliamB31 Aug 1855George LOCKIE/Isabella ProcterKelsoIG/93
1182LOCKIE, WilliamM22 Jun 1857Hannah C. HARDIEMertounIG/93
1183LOCKIE, Gulielmus_B06 Jul 1862James LOCKIE/Isabella GilliesColdinghamIG/93
1184LOCKIE, WilliamM12 Feb 1863Mary ADAMSONDunbarIG/93
1185LOCKIE, WilliamB11 May 1867David LOCKIE/Mary Armour FinnieLinlithgowIG/93
1186LOCKIE, WilliamB19 Apr 1868William LOCKIE/Hannah HardieMelroseIG/93
1187LOCKIE, WilliamM22 Jun 1868Isabella WALKERGordonIG/93
1188LOCKIE, WilliamB01 Sep 1869William Aitken LOCKIE/Elizabeth R Morton; Elizabeth RussellEdinburghIG/93
1189LOCKIE, WilliamB22 Aug 1870Alexander LOCKIE/Mary StewartBowdenIG/93
1190LOCKIE, WilliamB08 Aug 1872William LOCKIE/Hannah HardieMelroseIG/93
1191LOCKIE, WilliamM22 Feb 1875Janet STEWARTEdinburghIG/93
1192LUKEY, Wm.M26 Aug 1875Alice MEARNSLeithIG/93
1193LOCKIE, William AdamsonB16 Feb 1866William LOCKIE/Mary AdamsonDunbarIG/93
1194LOCKIE, William AlexanderB04 Oct 1869James LOCKIE/Jessie BrucePeeblesIG/93
1195LOCKIE, William CarlanB15 Aug 1863Thomas LOCKIE/Elizabeth CarlawBo'nessIG/93
1196LOCKIE, William ChapmanB12 Jun 1868Walter LOCKIE/Elisabeth ChapmanLegerwoodIG/93
1197LOCKIE, William Edgar (ba. a.26: Woollen Drawer)M24 Aug 1908Jemima ORR; sp. a.22: Woollen DrawerSelkirkXT
1198LOCKIE, William MatthewB17 Mar 1869/Menzies_ LOCKIEChannelkirkIG/93
1199LOCKIE, MinaM03 Feb 1760Alexander FLINTKelsoIG/93

Key to Events
A - Adult Baptism B - Birth C - Christening D - Death I - Inquest
L - Banns M - Marriage N - Census Event P - Probate Record S - Burial ('Sepult')
T - Trade Directory W - Marriage Witness (NOT Will!) X - Miscellaneous: Churchwardens, &c.

Other Forenames:
Jane to Margaret
Jane to Margaret
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