Family History Research in Derbyshire
Some Records of THORNHILL in Stoney Middleton and Wardlow &c (1541-1910)

Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie and others © 1989 and onwards.
Other Forenames:
Abraham to Gervase
Abraham to Gervase
Please see About this Information for what this collection contains.

Forenames John to Mary

Other Forenames:
Matthias to Wilhelmina
Matthias to Wilhelmina

# Surname / Forenames Event / Date Related To / Remarks Parish / Source
506THORNHILL, JohnM11 Feb 1604/5Elizabeth BOCKINGEHopeIG
507THORNHILL, JohnC03 Dec 1607John THORNHILL/HopeIG
508THORNHILL, JohnM27 Jun 1614Grace UNSTONNE; IGI says 'Goodum'HopeIG
509THORNHILL, JohnM14 Jul 1635Jane EYREHopeIG
510THORNHILL, JohnC28 Nov 1635s. John THORNHILL/EyamPR
511THORNELY, JohnC16 Apr 1639s. Francis THORNELY/EyamPR
512THORNHILL, JohnS19 May 1642N.O.D.EyamPR
513THORNLEY, JohnM31 May 1660Margaret BOTHOMEyamTR/JC
514THORNHILL, JohnC22 Nov 1662s. Edward THORNHILL/Stalbridge,DORCA
515THORNLY, JohannesS18 Feb 1663/4N.O.D.St.MiddletonBT
516THORNLEY, JohnS28 Jan 1665/6s. Francis/Margaret THORNLEYEyamPR
517THORNLEY, JohnS10 Jun 1669N.O.D.EyamPR
518THORNHILL, JohnC29 May 1683s. Robert/Joan THORNHILLCastletonCA
519THORNILY, JohnS12 Nov 1687N.O.D.MonyashPR/VN
520THORNELLY, JohnM29 Jan 1687/8Katherine FIRTHNortonIG
521THORNILY, JohnM05 Aug 1691Alis THORNILYSt.MiddletonBT
522THORNHILL, JohnC27 Sep 1696s. Thomas/Dorothy THORNHILLCastletonCA
523THORNELEY, JohesC22 Nov 1696Nicholaj THORNELEY/ChesterfdIG
524THORNHILL, JohannesM11 Mar 1696/7Anna BACHE; ambo de BakewellGt.LongstoneBT
525THORNLY, JohnC14 Apr 1700s. John/Mary THORNLYSt.MiddletonBT
526THORNHILL, JohannesC11 May 1701Johannis THORNHILL/AshfordIG
527THORNLY, JohnS25 May 1705s. John THORNLY/St.MiddletonBT/GT
528THORNILY, JohnS30 May 1705s. John THORNILY/St.MiddletonBT
529THORNLEY, JohnS26 Dec 1709N.O.D.EyamPR
530THORNILEY, John (d.1723)C19 Oct 1719s. Joseph/Martha THORNILEY; or 19.12St.MiddletonPR
531THORNHILL, JohnC19 Dec 1719s. Joseph/:& Martha THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR/JK
532THORNILY, John (b.1719)S04 Feb 1723/4s. Joseph/Martha THORNILYSt.MiddletonPR
533THORNILLEY, JohnM06 Feb 1725/6Dorothy FROSTSt.MiddletonPR
534THORNILLY, JohnS22 Sep 1726N.O.D.; ?h. Alis/: but q.v. John d.1732St.MiddletonPR
535THORNHILL, JohnC20 Apr 1731Thomas THORNHILL/HathersageIG
536THORNHILL, JohnS12 Mar 1732/3of Stony Middleton; ?h. Mary/: but q.v. John d.1726St.MiddletonPR
537THORNHILL, JohnS05 Jun 1733s. John/Eliz THORNHILL; or 15.6St.MiddletonPR
538THORNHILL, John (d.1737)C02 Jun 1734s. John/Eliz THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
539THORNHILL, John (m.1759)C06 Jun 1735s. Joshua/Mary THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
540THORNHILL, JohnC26 Mar 1736George THORNHILL/Kirk IretonIG
541THORNHILL, JohnS14 Jul 1737N.O.D.; assume: h. Dorothy Thornhill/St.MiddletonPR
542THORNHILL, John (b.1734)S28 Oct 1737s. John/Eliz THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
543THORNILLY, JohnM03 Oct 1738Mary TURNERPeak ForestTR
544THORNHILL, JohnC09 Dec 1739s. William THORNHILL/; of Great LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
545THORNHILL, JohnM22 Oct 1744Elizabeth ALLENStalbridge,DORCA
546THORNHILL, JohnC03 Nov 1745s. Emon/Ann THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
547THORNILLY, JohnC03 Oct 1746s. John/Catherine THORNILLYMonyashPR/VN
548THORNHILL, JohnM06 Nov 1748Mary SHORTStalbridge,DORCA
549THORNHILL, JohnS05 Jan 1749/50N.O.D.; assume: h. Eliz Thornhill/St.MiddletonPR
550THORNHILL, JohnC09 Dec 1750s. Joseph/Dorathy THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
551THORNHILL, JohnM10 Dec 1751Martha FOXHathersageTR
552THORNHILL, JohnC19 May 1752s. John Wilkson/Jane THORNHILLMonyashPR/VN
553THORNHILL, JohnW15 Feb 1759William SYDDALL/Elizabeth BOOTHEyamPR
554THORNHILL, JohnM19 Feb 1759Elizabeth WYLD; minor: Lic.St.MiddletonPR
555HANDLE or THORNHILL [THORNL], JohnC07 Jan 1762s. Ann THORNHILL/:by Timothy HANDLESt.MiddletonPR
557THORNHILL, John (?m.1791)C08 May 1763s. John/Martha THORNHILL; of BramleyBaslowPR
558THORNHILL, John (sg: o.t.p.)M27 Mar 1764Dorothy CHAPMAN; sg: o.t.p. Hope: Lic.BakewellPR
559THORNHILL, John (sg:)M13 Oct 1764Mary BODIN; X:BakewellPR
560THORNHILL, Jno.C11 Dec 1764s. George/Eliz THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
561THORNHILL, Jno.C09 Mar 1766s. Jona./Ann THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
562THORNHILL, Jno.S21 Oct 1766s. Jona./Ann THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
563THORNHILL, JohnC08 Mar 1767s. John THORNHILL/:& MaryMonyashPR
564THORNHILL, JohnC08 Mar 1767s. John/Mary THORNHILLMonyashPR/VN
565THORNILL, JohnC12 May 1767Richd. THORNILL/MaryOckbrookIG
566THORNHILL, JohnS04 Jul 1768N.O.D.MonyashPR
567THORNHILL, JohnS04 Jul 1768N.O.D.MonyashPR/VN
568THORNHILL, Jno.C10 Sep 1768s. Jno./Eliza. THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
569THORNHILL, JohnM20 Feb 1769Elizabeth HALLWest HallamAC
570THORNHILL, John (of Hathersage)M09 May 1771Mary CLAYTONBeightonPH
571THORNHILL, JohnC12 May 1771Robert THORNHILL/ChesterfdIG
572THORNHILL, Jno.S09 Aug 1772s. Jona./Ann THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
573THORNHILL, Jno.S05 Dec 1773s. Jno./Elizth. THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
574THORNHILL, JohnS19 Nov 1780of CalverBaslowPR
575THORNHILL, JohnC06 Oct 1781s. Wm. THORNHILL/:& MaryMonyashPR
576THORNHILL, JohnC06 Oct 1781s. William/Mary THORNHILLMonyashPR/VN
577THORNHILL, JohnW25 Dec 1781George GREAVES/Rebecca THORNHILLEyamPR
578THORNHILL, John (sg:)M27 Dec 1781Sarah WILDE; sg: both o.t.c.BaslowPR
579THORNELL, JohnM23 May 1782Frances FEARNSawleyIG
580THORNHILL, JohnC30 May 1784s. Joseph THORNHILL/; The TowerChapel enle F.CA
581THORNILL, JohnC18 Aug 1789Thomas THORNILL/AnnDerby,St.WerIG
582THORNHILL, JohnC27 Jan 1791Mathew THORNHILL/MaryDerby,All SsIG
583THORNHILL, JohnM18 Jul 1791Mary HAWKESWORTHDale AbbeyIG
584THORNHILL, John (sg:)M09 Aug 1791Jane OLDFIELD; X: both o.t.c.BaslowPR
585THORNELLY, JohnC03 Dec 1793John THORNELLY/AnnKirk IretonIG
586THORNHILL, JohnW25 Jun 1795Thomas THORNHILL/Sarah BAMFORDBaslowPR
587THORNHILL, John (sg:)M05 Oct 1795Martha GOODWIN; X: both of CalverBaslowPR
588THORNHILL, JohnC11 Mar 1798Joshua THORNHILL/Gt.LongstoneIG
589THORNHILL, JohnM31 May 1800Mira EATONHeanorIG
590THORNHILL, JohnM15 Dec 1800Elizabeth HIBBERTChesterfdIG
591THORNHILL, JohnC12 Apr 1801s. George/Elizabeth THORNHILLBuxtonCA
592THORNHILL, JohnC12 Aug 1803Richd THORNHILL/MarySawleyIG
593THORNHILL, JohnS19 Nov 1803aged 2BuxtonCA
594THORNHILL, JohnM03 Nov 1804Alice FURNISS; of PilsleyLondon,St.MartIG/RT
596THORNHILL, JohnS15 Jan 1808N.O.D.; assume: h. Eliz Thornhill/St.MiddletonPR
597THORNHILL, JohnS20 Jan 1809(of) WardlowSt.MiddletonPR
598THORNHILL, JohnC01 Jan 1810Thos. THORNHILL/SarahPentrichIG
599THORNHILL, JohnC05 Aug 1810Richard THORNHILL/HannahSawleyIG
600THORNHILL, JohnD22 Feb 1814s. Jos./Hannah THORNHILL; of Hayfield: aged 32Chapel enle F.CA
601THORNHILL, John (m.1845)C06 Mar 1814John THORNHILL/AliceGt.LongstoneRT
602THORNHILL, JohnC19 Jun 1814William THORNHILL/LydiaDerby,St.AlkIG
603THORNHILL, JohnB       1816Samuel/Elizabeth THORNHILLShipley ?AC
604THORNHILL, JohnM16 Sep 1819Hannah TUNNICLIFFEtwallIG
605THORNHILL, JohnM16 Aug 1820Mary Ann WALKERTideswellIG
606THORNHILL, JohnM01 Oct 1821Mary REVELLAlfretonIG
607THORNELLY, JohnM05 Nov 1821Mary REVILBolsoverIG
608THORNHILL, JohnC07 Apr 1822John THORNHILL/HannahEtwallIG
609THORNHILL, JohnC28 Sep 1823Wm. THORNHILL/Elizabh.BelperIG
610THORNHILL, JohnC02 Jan 1824John THORNHILL/MaryTideswellIG
611THORNHILL, JohnM04 Oct 1824Mary HASLAMDuffieldIG
612THORNHILL, JohnM27 Mar 1827Martha HAWKSLEYDuffieldIG
613THORNHILL, JohnS10 Feb 1828of Calver; aged 68St.MiddletonPR
614THORNHILL, JohnC05 Jun 1830Edward THORNHILL/RuthTideswellIG
615THORNHILL, JohnS01 Feb 1831of Stony Middleton; aged 80St.MiddletonPR
616THORNHILL, JohnM05 Mar 1832Hannah BRITLANDE.SterndaleIG
617THORNHILL, JohnC01 Jan 1833George THORNHILL/SarahMarple BridgeIG
618THORNHILL, JohnM06 Apr 1835Mary ANNABLEDerby,St.AlkIG
619THORNHILL, JohnS20 Sep 1844[aged about 66]Gt.LongstoneRT
620THORNHILL, John (b.1814)M08 Sep 1845Ann CARLEILLBuxtonIG
621THORNHILL, JohnC18 Aug 1848/Ann THORNHILLMickleoverIG
622THORNHILL, JohnC20 Apr 1851Henry THORNHILL/SarahEtwallIG
623THORNHILL, JohnC27 Aug 1854/Ann THORNHILLMickleoverIG
624THORNHILL, JohnC16 Jan 1859John THORNHILL/ElizabethTideswellIG
625THORNHILL, John BanksC23 Aug 1808William THORNHILL/EllinBelper,WesIG
626THORNHILL, John WilliamC20 Nov 1856Robert THORNHILL/AnnGt.LongstoneIG
627THORNHILL, John WoodM13 Dec 1826Dorothy HOLLANDChesterfdIG
628THORNLEY, JonathanC30 Jan 1655/6s. Francis/Ellin THORNLEYEyamPR
629THORNLEY, JonathanS12 Jun 1666s. Francis THORNLEY/; defunctEyamPR
630THORNHILL, JonathanC02 Jul 1699s. Adam/Catherine THORNHILL; of BradwallHopeTR
631THORNHILL, JonathanS19 Feb 1700/1s. Adam THORNHILL/; of BradwallHopeTR
632THORNHILL, Jonathan (John)C02 Aug 1734Jonathan THORNHILL/Elizabeth; note: from IGISt.MiddletonIG
633THORNLY, JonathanC19 Mar 1737/8s. Edmd./Ann THORNLY; (Josp/Dorothy crossed out)St.MiddletonPR
634THORNELLY, JonathanC17 Aug 1740s. Joseph THORNELLY/; StubleyDronfieldPR
635THORNELLY, JonathanS14 May 1744s. Joseph THORNELLY/; StubleyDronfieldPR
636THORNHILL, JonathanM25 Jun 1764Ann LOWEHathersageIG
637THORNHILL, JonathanS21 Oct 1804N.O.D.St.MiddletonPR
638THORNHILL, JonathanM16 Oct 1822Ann BARKER; minorBuxtonCA
639THORNHILL, JosephC22 Jul 1651s. George THORNHILL/; of WarmbrookChapel enle F.CA
640THORNLEY, Joseph (m.1681)C02 Feb 1661/2s. John/Margaret THORNLEYEyamPR
641THORNILL, JosephC23 Feb 1678/9s. Robert/Joan THORNILLCastletonCA
642THORNLEY, Joseph (b.1661)M12 Feb 1681/2Mary DRABBLEEyamTR/JC
643THORNHILL, JosephC01 May 1692s. Thomas/Dorothy THORNHILLCastletonCA
644THORNHILL, JosephS12 Feb 1706/7s. John THORNHILL/Chapel enle F.CA
645THORNELEY, Joseph (?m.Mary James:d.1779)C26 Sep 1710fs Joshuæ THORNELEY/; de WardlowGt.LongstoneBT
646THORNLY, Joseph (m.1734)C10 Jan 1710/1s. John/Mary THORNLYSt.MiddletonBT
647THORNHILL, JosephusC26 Sep 1711Nicholai THORNHILL/ChesterfdIG
648THORNLEY, JosephS01 Oct 1715N.O.D.EyamPR
649THORNHILL, JosephS08 Feb 1720/1of C.L.F.Chapel enle F.CA
650THORNILLY, JosephS23 Apr 1724N.O.D.; assume: h. Martha Thornilly/St.MiddletonPR
651THORNHILL, Joseph (m.1745)C25 Jun 1727s. John/Elizabeth THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
652THORNHILL, JosephM01 Aug 1730Jane STEVENSONDronfieldIG
653THORNHILL, JosephC19 Apr 1733Thomas THORNHILL/HathersageIG
654THORNHILL, Joseph (1710-1767)M16 Apr 1734Dorothy COCKERHathersageIG
655THORNHILL, Joseph (of Bakewell)M14 Jan 1742/3Mary JAMES; o.t.p.HopeCA
656THORNHILL, JosephC04 Dec 1743s. Jo:/Dorathy THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
657THORNHILL, Joseph (1727-1757)M24 Sep 1745Ann CROOKSSt.MiddletonPR
658THORNHILL, JosephC17 Oct 1745s. Joseph THORNHILL/; of WardlowTideswellPR
659THORNHILL, JosephS06 Nov 1753s. Widow THORNHILL/HathersagePR
660THORNHILL, Joseph (b.1727)S29 Apr 1757N.O.D.; assume: h. Ann Thornhill/St.MiddletonPR
661THORNHILL, Jos (?Joshua)C08 Oct 1760s. Jno./Eliz THORNHILL; or ?JosephSt.MiddletonPR
662THORNHILL, JosephS03 Apr 1767N.O.D.; assume: h. Dorothy Thornhill/St.MiddletonPR
663THORNHILL, Josh.S01 Nov 1770s. George/Elizth. THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
664THORNHILL, Joseph (d.1782)C06 Aug 1775s. Edward THORNHILL/; of SittinglowChapel enle F.CA
665THORNHILL, Josh. (b.1710)S16 Nov 1779from WardlowSt.MiddletonPR
666THORNHILL, Joseph (b.1775)S13 May 1782s. Edward THORNHILL/; of SittinglowChapel enle F.CA
667THORNHILL, JosephC27 Oct 1782Joseph THORNHILL/Chinley,IndIG
668THORNHILL, JosephM14 Jul 1783Hannah JOULEChapel enle F.CA
669THORNHILL, JosephC31 May 1784s. Wm./Mary THORNHILLMonyashPR
670THORNHILL, JosephC31 May 1784s. William/Mary THORNHILLMonyashPR/VN
671THORNHILL, JosephM21 Feb 1790Dorothy HARLOWEMickleoverIG
672THORNHILL, Josh.C08 Aug 1790John THORNHILL/ChesterfdIG
673THORNHILL, JosephS23 Jul 1798s. James/Ann THORNHILL; fm. WardlowSt.MiddletonPR
674THORNHILL, JosephS29 Dec 1798s. Jos./Hannah THORNHILL; of Hayfield (d.26.12 aged 6)Chapel enle F.CA
675THORNHILL, JosephC26 Jul 1801Joseph THORNHILL/DorothyMickleoverIG
676THORNELLY, ?JosephM17 Nov 1801Elizabeth SLACKDuffieldIG
677THORNHILL, JosephC13 Feb 1814George THORNHILL/MaryYoulgreaveIG
678THORNHILL, JosephC01 Jun 1821John THORNHILL/AnneHorsleyIG
679THORNHILL, JosephC08 May 1822Richard THORNHILL/HannahWilneIG
680THORNHILL, JosephM18 Apr 1824Ann SPENCERMickleoverIG
681THORNHILL, JosephD17 Oct 1825Innkeeper of Hayfield; aged 69Chapel enle F.CA
682THORNHILL, JosephB16 Dec 1828Joseph THORNHILL/SarahMarple BridgeIG
683THORNHILL, JosephC08 Jun 1829/Sarah THORNHILLMickleoverIG
684THORNHILL, JosephS20 Oct 1829of Stoney Middleton; aged 69Chapel enle F.CA
685THORNHILL, JosephC04 Dec 1831John THORNHILL/Hanh.BelperIG
686THORNHILL, JosephC31 Dec 1834Joseph THORNHILL/AnnDerby,St.PetIG
687THORNHILL, JosephC16 Sep 1849/Ann THORNHILLMickleoverIG
688THORNHILL, JosephC01 Nov 1852John THORNHILL/AnnaGt.LongstoneIG
689THORNHILL, JosephC26 Dec 1852John THORNHILL/HannahChapel enle F.IG
690THORNHILL, JosephC13 Jul 1856George THORNHILL/EllenChapel enle F.IG
691THORNELEY, JoshuaM31 May 1669Alice INGMANHathersageIG
692THORNELY, JosuahC04 Mar 1682/3s. Robert THORNELY/:et Ann uxorSt.MiddletonBT
693THORNHILL, JoshuaC05 May 1699Nicholai THORNHILL/ChesterfdIG
694THORNELEY, JosuahC22 Nov 1704s. Jno. THORNELEY/St.MiddletonBT
695THORNELEY, JosuahC22 Nov 1704s. Jno THORNELEY/St.MiddletonBT/GT
696THORNILEY, JoshuaS20 Aug 1723N.O.D.St.MiddletonPR
697THORNHILL, JoshuaM28 Sep 1731Mary FLETCHERSt.MiddletonPR
698THORNHILL, JoshuaC06 Aug 1747s. Joshua/Mary THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
699THORNHILL, JoshuaS16 Sep 1759of WardlowSt.MiddletonPR
700THORNHILL, JoshuaC08 Oct 1760John THORNHILL/Elizabeth; IGISt.MiddletonIG
701THORNHILL, Joshua (sg: of Hope)M06 Jun 1786Mary SAVILLE; sg: of Horsligate: BannsDronfieldPR/IT
702THORNHILL, Joshua (o.t.p. Eyam)M14 Jan 1790Hannah BARBER; o.t.p. HathersageEyamPR
703THORNHILL, JoshuaS19 Jun 1790N.O.D.St.MiddletonPR
704THORNHILL, JoshuaS11 Jul 1817of Stony Middleton; aged 56St.MiddletonPR
705THORNHILL, JoshuaS14 Feb 1830of Wardlow; aged 83St.MiddletonPR
706SKINNER, LawrenceM02 Feb 1688/9Bridgett FURNISHathersageIG
707SKINNER, LaurenceP17 Apr 1755of Bamford; Thomas, Jane, Ann, EllinHathersageWC
708THORNHILL, LeahC19 Mar 1837/Mary THORNHILLGlossopIG
709THORNHILL, LouisaC04 Dec 1842John THORNHILL/MaryDarley AbbeyIG
710THORNHILL, LucyC25 Oct 1672d. William THORNHILL/Stalbridge,DORCA
711THORNHILL, LucyC02 Jun 1788John/Elizabeth THORNHILLHeanor ?AC
712THORNHILL, LucyD01 Feb 1878ShipleyAC
713THORNHILL, LukeC04 Nov 1736s. William THORNHILL/; of Tideswell BlacksmithTideswellPR
714THORNHILL, LukeS18 Sep 1737s. William THORNHILL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
715THORNHILL, LydiaB22 Jun 1817Thomas THORNHILL/ElizabethHeanor,IndIG
716THORNHILL, LydiaC08 Oct 1848Thomas THORNHILL/SarahDerby,St.AlkIG
717THORNLEY, MargaretP15 Jul 1551of Chesterfield; sons Geo & 'Raeco' ?ChesterfieldWC
718THORNELL or SKYNNER, MargaritaC29 Jul 1632fa Richardi SKYNNER alias THORNELL/HathersagePR
719THORNLEY, MargaretC08 Jun 1661d. Francis/Margaret THORNLEYEyamPR
720THORNHILL, MargaretS       1667N.O.D.Woolland,DORCA
721THORNLEY, MargaretS04 Feb 1683/4d. Margaret THORNLEY/; widowEyamPR
722THORNHILL, MargarettC11 Dec 1687William THORNHILL/HathersageIG
723THORNHILL, MargaretC17 Jan 1696/7d. Thomas/Maria THORNHILL; of BradwallHopeTR
724THORNHILL, MargaretS13 Mar 1698/9w. Adam THORNHILL/; of BradwallHopeTR
725THORNLEY, MargaretS24 Jun 1699widowEyamPR
726THORNLEY, MargaretC08 May 1707w. John THORNLEY/EyamPR
727THORNHILL, MargaretC10 Mar 1709/10John THORNHILL/AnneYoulgreaveIG
728THORNILLY, MargaretS18 Mar 1711/2N.O.D.MonyashPR/VN
729THORNHILL, MargaretM07 Jul 1747Anthony HEATHO.BramptonIG
730THORNHILL, MargaretC17 Nov 1771d. George/Alice THORNHILL; of TideswellTideswellPR
731THORNILL or BANKS, MargrettC04 Apr 1813Wm. THORNILL/Ellen BANKSBelper,WesIG
732THORNHILL, MargaretB       1884James/Wilhelmina THORNHILLSheffd ?AC
733THORNHILL, MargaryS24 Apr 1642wife of John THORNHILL/EyamPR
734THORNHILL, MarkP29 Apr 1737of WormhillWormhillWC
735THORNHILL, Martha (?m.1739)C12 Jun 1720d. Thomas THORNHILL/; of Gt LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
736THORNHILL, Martha (?b.1720)M31 May 1739John TAYLORGt.LongstoneIG
737THORNHILL, MarthaC28 Dec 1742d. Joseph THORNHILL/; of WardlowTideswellPR
738THORNHILL, MarthaS06 Jul 1753widdow; assume: w. Joseph Thornilly/St.MiddletonPR
739THORNHILL, MarthaC22 Aug 1762c. Sarah THORNHILL/; of Wardloe: spuriousPeak ForestPR
740THORNHILL, Martha (m.1805)C30 Mar 1777d. George/Elizh. THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
741THORNHILL, Martha (d.1777)C18 May 1777d. Wm. THORNHILL/:& MaryMonyashPR
742THORNHILL, MarthaC18 May 1777d. William/Mary THORNHILLMonyashPR/VN
743THORNHILL, Martha (b.1777)S27 Jun 1777d. Wm. THORNHILL/:& MaryMonyashPR
744THORNHILL, MarthaS27 Jun 1777d. William/Mary THORNHILL; [infant]MonyashPR/VN
745THORNHILL, Martha (d.1782)C22 Apr 1781John THORNHILL/ElizSt.MiddletonIG
746THORNHILL, Martha (o.t.p. Eyam)M03 Oct 1781Thomas SAVILL; o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
747THORNHILL, Martha (b.1781)S21 Jan 1782d. Jno./Elizth. THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
748THORNHILL, Martha (X: N.O.D.)M06 Aug 1782Michael WRIGHT; sg:o.t.p. BeeleyBaslowPR
749THORNHILL, MarthaM25 May 1794George FROST; o.t.p. BakewellSt.MiddletonPR
750THORNHILL, MarthaS29 Jan 1800d. Thomas/Alice THORNHILL; p. EyamSt.MiddletonPR
751THORNHILL, Martha (o.t.p. Hathersage)M22 Oct 1805John PURSGLOVE; o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
752THORNHILL, MarthaC22 Nov 1814Thomas THORNHILL/ElizabethHeanor,IndIG
753THORNHILL, MarthaC12 Mar 1835John THORNHILL/HannahChapel enle F.IG
754THORNHILL, Martha Ann LawtonC28 Oct 1839William THORNHILL/AnnGlossopIG
755THORNELL or SKYNNER, MariaC24 Jul 1628fa Richardi SKYNNER alias THORNELL/HathersagePR
756THORNHILL, MaryC28 Oct 1632d. John THORNHILL/EyamPR
757THORNELL or SKINNER, MariaC       1647fa Thoae THORNELL al: SKINNER/:et Annae ux.HathersagePR
758THORNEHILL, MaryP11 Jun 1650of CalverBaslowWC
759THORNHILL, MaryC26 Feb 1664/5d. Thos/Elzth THORNHILLCastletonTR
760THORNLEY, MaryS06 Jul 1666wife of William THORNLEY/EyamPR
761THORNHILL, MaryC18 Oct 1680d. Robert/Joan THORNHILLCastletonCA
762THORNELY, MaryC23 Jan 1681/2d. John/Mary THORNELYMonyashPR/VN
763THORNHILL, MaryC26 Sep 1692Thomas THORNHILL/; transcribed by JHB as 'James'HathersagePR
764THORNHILL, MariaS05 Nov 1695de HargatewallTideswellPR
765THORNHILL, MariaC05 Apr 1696d. Adam/Catherine THORNHILL; of BradwallHopeTR
766THORNLY, MariaS19 Feb 1696/7vidSt.MiddletonBT
767THORNHILL, MariaC16 Dec 1697fa Johannis THORNHILL/; de Magnâ LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
768THORNLY, MaryC23 Oct 1698d. John/Alice THORNLYSt.MiddletonBT
769THORNHILL, MariaC10 Mar 1703/4Nicholai THORNHILL/ChesterfdIG
770THORNHILL, MaryS30 Jun 1704d. John/Anne THORNHILLYoulgreaveBT
771THORNHILL, MaryM04 Dec 1705Thomas WRIGHTChapel enle F.IG
772THORNLY, MaryC23 Dec 1706d. John/Mary THORNLYSt.MiddletonBT
773THORNLY, MaryC23 Dec 1706d. John/:& Mary THORNLYSt.MiddletonBT/GT
774THORNLEY, MaryS03 Jun 1715w. Joseph THORNLEY/; EyamEyamPR
775THORNHILL, MaryM04 Mar 1716/7Thomas LITTLEWOODHathersageIG
776THORNILL, MaryM06 Sep 1720Charles HEWARD; BlacksmithTideswellPR
777THORNHILL, MaryM25 Apr 1724ffrancis BUXTON; both o.t.p.TideswellPR
778THORNELLY, MaryM09 Feb 1725/6Francis HALLAMSt.MiddletonPR
779THORNILLY, MaryC17 Dec 1726d. John/Dorothy THORNILLYSt.MiddletonPR
780THORNHILLY, MaryC17 Dec 1726d. John/:& Dorothy THORNHILLYSt.MiddletonPR/JK
781THORNILLY, MaryS03 Jan 1726/7d. John/Dorothy THORNILLYSt.MiddletonPR
782THORNHILLY, MaryM09 Feb 1726/7Francis HALLAMSt.MiddletonPR/JK
783THORNHILL, MaryM03 Apr 1727John WRIGHTHopeIG
784THORNHILL, MaryC05 Oct 1732d. William THORNHILL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
785THORNHILL, MaryC25 Dec 1732d. Joshua/Mary THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
786THORNHILL, MaryS17 Jul 1733d. William THORNHILL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
787THORNHILL, MaryC29 Sep 1733d. Edward/Ellen THORNHILLPeak ForestPR
788THORNHILL, MaryC26 Dec 1734d. Joseph/Dorothy THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
789THORNHILL, MaryC03 Jan 1734/5d. William THORNHILL/; of Gt LongstoneGt.LongstoneBT
790THORNHILLY, MaryC24 Jun 1736d. Joseph THORNHILLY/; StubleyDronfield,ChapPR
791THORNHILL, MaryS13 Jul 1736d. Willm. THORNHILL/; of Gt LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
792THORNHILL, MaryC06 Jul 1737Thomas THORNHILL/HathersageIG
793THORNHILL, MaryS23 Sep 1737d. Joseph THORNHILL/St.MiddletonPR
794THORNHILL, MarayC01 Jan 1740/1d. Jos/Mary THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
795THORNHILL, MaryC24 Jun 1745d. William THORNHILL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
796THORNHILLY, MaryS12 Jan 1745/6N.O.D.O.BramptonPR
797THORNHILL, MaryS19 May 1746d. William THORNHILL/; of TideswellTideswellPR
798THORNHILL, MaryS19 Apr 1751widdow; assume: w. John Thornhill/St.MiddletonPR
799THORNHILL, MaryC13 Dec 1753d. Geo/Alice THORNHILL; of BradwallHopeTR
800THORNHILL, MaryS11 Apr 1758from Robert THORNHILL; aged 48 on gravestoneGt.LongstoneRT
801THORNHILL, MaryM02 Apr 1761John BRUNDRETH; of ChesterChapel enle F.CA
802THORNELLY, ?MaryC31 May 1761Robert THORNELLY/Chinley,IndIG
803THORNHILL, MaryC15 Jan 1762d. John/Elizth THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
804THORNHILL, Mary (sg: ?minor)M24 Nov 1763Edward MOSELY; sg: ?minor too: Lic. w.c.o.p.St.MiddletonPR
805THORNHILL, MaryC05 Oct 1767d. Jona./Ann THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
806THORNHILL, MaryS28 Aug 1768d. Jona./Ann THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
807THORNELL, MaryM13 Feb 1769Joseph MORRISQuarndonIG
808THORNHILL, MaryM28 Feb 1770William COUGHAN; of BradfieldChapel enle F.CA
809THORNHILL, MaryC17 Jun 1770d. George/Elizth THORNHILLSt.MiddletonPR
810THORNHILL, MaryC22 May 1774d. Robt. THORNHILL/; of Great LongstonGt.LongstoneBT
811THORNHILL, MaryC09 Nov 1777d. John. THORNHILL/:& MaryMonyashPR
812THORNHILL, MaryC09 Nov 1777d. John/Mary THORNHILLMonyashPR/VN
813THORNHILL, Mary (of Middleton)M09 Dec 1782George TURNER; of Upper HaddonBakewellPR
814THORNHILL, MaryC13 Oct 1783d. Thomas THORNHILL/; CalverBaslowPR
815THORNHILL, MaryS16 Apr 1788wife of Josa. THORNHILL/St.MiddletonPR
816THORNHILL, MaryC11 Dec 1789d. Thomas THORNHILL/; CalverBaslowPR
817THORNHILL, MaryS03 Jan 1793w. Thos. THORNHILL/; p. EyamSt.MiddletonPR
818THORNHILL, MaryC05 Jan 1796d. George/Elizabeth THORNHILLBuxtonCA
819THORNHILL, MaryC17 Sep 1797Robert THORNHILL/BrigitGt.LongstoneIG
820THORNHILL, MaryC03 Apr 1798William THORNHILL/SarahBelper,WesIG
821THORNHILL, MaryM11 Sep 1798James SMITHDale AbbeyIG
822THORNHILL, Mary (née James)S26 Jan 1799wid. Joseph THORNHILL/; aged 96TideswellCA
823THORNHILL, MaryM09 Jun 1802Joseph HALLAMHathersageIG
824THORNHILL, MaryC16 Jul 1804Thomas THORNHILL/ElizabethHeanor,IndIG
825THORNHILL, MaryC02 Jun 1805Joseph THORNHILL/DorothyMickleoverIG
826THORNHILL, MaryC15 Sep 1805John THORNHILL/Gt.LongstoneIG
827THORNHILL, MaryS23 Apr 1807N.O.D.St.MiddletonPR
828THORNHILL, Mary (sp.o.t.p.)M25 Feb 1810Samuel DANE; Joiner o.t.p. EyamEyamPR
829THORNHILL, MaryC18 Jul 1813Edward THORNHILL/AnneTaddingtonIG
830THORNHILL, MaryC25 Feb 1816William THORNHILL/MaryPeak ForestIG
831THORNHILL, MaryC12 Jul 1819Edwd. THORNHILL/RuthTideswellIG
832THORNHIL, MaryC25 Dec 1819John THORNHIL/HannahEtwallIG
833THORNELLY, ?MariaC17 Jul 1822John THORNELLY/MaryBolsoverIG
834THORNHILL, MaryS28 Nov 1823of Wardlow; p. Hope: aged 68St.MiddletonPR
835THORNHILL, MaryM09 Mar 1825Samuel GOISEMickleoverIG
836THORNHILL, MaryM02 Jan 1826Francis WAINTideswellIG
837THORNHILL, MaryC10 Dec 1827Samuel/Sarah THORNHILL; Ridge Clo LabrChapel enle F.TR
838THORNHILL, MaryM12 Aug 1828Joseph WALKERHeanorIG
839THORNHILL, MaryC23 Jun 1833John THORNHILL/HannahChapel enle F.IG
840THORNHILL, Mary (of Buxton)M22 Aug 1836Henry Montague GAINEYBakewellIG
841THORNHILL, MaryM06 Dec 1836Robert LOMASGlossopIG
842THORNHILL, MaryM22 Dec 1836John ARDENGlossopIG
843THORNHILL, MaryC31 Mar 1839John THORNHILL/HannahEtwallIG
844THORNHILL, MaryC17 May 1840Thomas THORNHILL/JaneMickleoverIG
845THORNHILL, MaryC12 Jun 1842/Grace THORNHILLChapel enle F.IG
846THORNHILL, MaryC06 Feb 1848William THORNHILL/SarahMickleoverIG
847THORNHILL, MaryS05 Jul 1848BolsoverIG
848THORNHILL, MaryC28 Jan 1860Thomas/Lucy THORNHILLShipley ?AC
849THORNHILL, MarianneC14 Aug 1828John THORNHILL/MaryTideswellIG
850THORNHILL, Mary AnnC24 Feb 1837John THORNHILL/AnnDerby,St.PetIG
851THORNHILL, Mary AnnC02 Feb 1845John THORNHILL/MaryBolsoverIG
852THORNHILL, Mary AnnC25 Dec 1851John THORNHILL/MaryDarley AbbeyIG
853THORNHILL, Mary ElizabethC12 Nov 1848Edward THORNHILL/ElizabethChapel enle F.IG
854SKINNER, Mary FawcettM05 Oct 1833George PLATT; EyamSheffd,St.PetST
855THORNHILL, Mary JaneC04 Apr 1852William/Sarah THORNHILLHeanorAC

Key to Events
A - Adult Baptism B - Birth C - Christening D - Death I - Inquest
L - Banns M - Marriage N - Census Event P - Probate Record S - Burial ('Sepult')
T - Trade Directory W - Marriage Witness (NOT Will!) X - Miscellaneous: Churchwardens, &c.

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